living in my shoes

Friday, December 29, 2006

down 27 lbs...

- 27 lbs.....
Can you even tell a difference? I feel the difference, But Can anyone see it? I have gone down two pant sizes! who hoo!! But can you tell...
PS, I had to take the shirt off after the picture cause it showed WAYY to much when I bent over even slightly, lol.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I need more time

I just need for time for life... there are not enough hours in the day, not enough time with the boys, not enough time to create, not enough time to think, Not enough time to sleep. What is a girl to do? I know that its just cause of the time of the year that it is, But seriously, I NEED MORE TIME!
And here I sit, typing away, when I have three different projects sitting on my desk, all with a due date of the 24th,. Yes, Christmas. On top of that, ITs my Time of the month, AGAIN, this every three weeks thing must stop. I have major cramps and I really just want to crawl into bed and pull the blankets over my head. My Christmas cards are not all addressed, I still need some peoples addresses... ect ect....
Yesterday was my four weeks on Weight watchers, I have lost 9 lbs in those four weeks, So yeah, I should be happy, but I was really hoping for more. Makes a total of 24 lbs loss if you combine ( and hell yes, I will) the 15 I lost in April, and May.

came home from work the other night to hear that Sam burned his fingers on the iron. Scott left it unattened when he went to log Brett onto the computer ( Brett has to be logged on due to the things that he had been looking at online) Sam pulled his little stool up to the iron and touched it with his little fingers. He has three little blisters on those little fingers.... Needless to say I yelled at Scott, letting him know that you dont leave Irons unattended when you have a 4 year old in the house.. His comment " OK MOM" ... ok Dumbass.

Sam has his little pre-school program at school tomorrow night! I cant wait to see him up there singing! I will be sure to post some pictures. Ok, I am done, everyone have a good day!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I have been busy

cant stay and chat, I am scrapping, But I wanted to show you some cards I made today! More tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Class tonight!

ITs a pocket Calendar, from pine cone Press. I didnt want to do this one, Or let me re phrase that, This wasnt my idea, It was Sharee's, one of the owners. I told her I would do it as a class. and As of last night, I had 13 people in the class ( it is full at 15). I love this little thing!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dont stick things up your nose

dont we as moms, tell all our children that? I know I have said it a hundred times over the past 17 years, its just part of being a mom, you dont let your kids stick things up their nose.
Well My wonderful dear 4th son Sam did just that on Friday at pre-school, He took a bean that he should have been gluing onto some craft, and stuck it right up his little nose. So far in fact that it got stuck, They were about to call me, when he blew it out. I asked him why he did that and his answer was : "Cause I just did".......

Another weekend has gone past , I cant believe how fast this year has gone, I was talking to a friend today and they were doing a Santa charity thing, and I asked if it was the same one that they did last year, yes it was. But Oh My God, it doesnt seem like it has been a year, Where is the time going? before you know it I will be considered middle aged!

Talked with Scott again tonight, he left me with " you have a husband who loves you, and wants to take care of you, what more do you need? " He thinks I am waiting for my knight on a white horse to come sweep me off my feet, Um No... Sleeping Beauty I am not, I dont think that man walks among us , But a warm hug and a " honey can I rub your sore tired feet" every now and then wouldnt hurt. Untill that day, I will rub my own damn feet!

Weight watchers was opened on Thursday, down another 3 lbs, Great for being Thanksgiving, now lets just do that ... oh.....30 more times?? LOL..

Have a good week everyone!