living in my shoes

Friday, December 29, 2006

down 27 lbs...

- 27 lbs.....
Can you even tell a difference? I feel the difference, But Can anyone see it? I have gone down two pant sizes! who hoo!! But can you tell...
PS, I had to take the shirt off after the picture cause it showed WAYY to much when I bent over even slightly, lol.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I need more time

I just need for time for life... there are not enough hours in the day, not enough time with the boys, not enough time to create, not enough time to think, Not enough time to sleep. What is a girl to do? I know that its just cause of the time of the year that it is, But seriously, I NEED MORE TIME!
And here I sit, typing away, when I have three different projects sitting on my desk, all with a due date of the 24th,. Yes, Christmas. On top of that, ITs my Time of the month, AGAIN, this every three weeks thing must stop. I have major cramps and I really just want to crawl into bed and pull the blankets over my head. My Christmas cards are not all addressed, I still need some peoples addresses... ect ect....
Yesterday was my four weeks on Weight watchers, I have lost 9 lbs in those four weeks, So yeah, I should be happy, but I was really hoping for more. Makes a total of 24 lbs loss if you combine ( and hell yes, I will) the 15 I lost in April, and May.

came home from work the other night to hear that Sam burned his fingers on the iron. Scott left it unattened when he went to log Brett onto the computer ( Brett has to be logged on due to the things that he had been looking at online) Sam pulled his little stool up to the iron and touched it with his little fingers. He has three little blisters on those little fingers.... Needless to say I yelled at Scott, letting him know that you dont leave Irons unattended when you have a 4 year old in the house.. His comment " OK MOM" ... ok Dumbass.

Sam has his little pre-school program at school tomorrow night! I cant wait to see him up there singing! I will be sure to post some pictures. Ok, I am done, everyone have a good day!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I have been busy

cant stay and chat, I am scrapping, But I wanted to show you some cards I made today! More tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Class tonight!

ITs a pocket Calendar, from pine cone Press. I didnt want to do this one, Or let me re phrase that, This wasnt my idea, It was Sharee's, one of the owners. I told her I would do it as a class. and As of last night, I had 13 people in the class ( it is full at 15). I love this little thing!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dont stick things up your nose

dont we as moms, tell all our children that? I know I have said it a hundred times over the past 17 years, its just part of being a mom, you dont let your kids stick things up their nose.
Well My wonderful dear 4th son Sam did just that on Friday at pre-school, He took a bean that he should have been gluing onto some craft, and stuck it right up his little nose. So far in fact that it got stuck, They were about to call me, when he blew it out. I asked him why he did that and his answer was : "Cause I just did".......

Another weekend has gone past , I cant believe how fast this year has gone, I was talking to a friend today and they were doing a Santa charity thing, and I asked if it was the same one that they did last year, yes it was. But Oh My God, it doesnt seem like it has been a year, Where is the time going? before you know it I will be considered middle aged!

Talked with Scott again tonight, he left me with " you have a husband who loves you, and wants to take care of you, what more do you need? " He thinks I am waiting for my knight on a white horse to come sweep me off my feet, Um No... Sleeping Beauty I am not, I dont think that man walks among us , But a warm hug and a " honey can I rub your sore tired feet" every now and then wouldnt hurt. Untill that day, I will rub my own damn feet!

Weight watchers was opened on Thursday, down another 3 lbs, Great for being Thanksgiving, now lets just do that ... oh.....30 more times?? LOL..

Have a good week everyone!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Baby Its Cold outside!!

19 degrees.. 19!! that is cold for us in the Seattle area, we are use to mild winters... we are on our second day of school closing, This all started Monday night, it came down very fast, I was at work and we closed the store an hour early. It was still a slow drive home, normally a 7 min drive turned into a 30 min drive, Lets just say I am glad I have 4 wheel drive! I made it home safe and sound, and stayed warm inside. Come Tuesday, I had to cancel my class at the store, I post poned it till Thursday, Lets hope it goes off then. The store closed at 3 Tuesday, I dont know what is going on today. I can say I drove out this AM to go to my weight watchers meeting and it WAS CLOSED!! Do you know how mad I was??? VERY MAD.... Home safe and sound.
Here are some pics from yesterday:

Monday, November 27, 2006

I have been a bad blogger lately

I have let this get away, I havent posted in over a week. I would like to say that it has been because I have been so very busy, that I havent had a feww moment, and while that is partly true, it is also cause I have had nothing to say, Nothing exciting has happened to me at all. Yes, Sam has said some cute note worthly things, But I didnt bother to note them. Bad mom I am. All the boys had report cards, and only one is worthly of noting here , and that was JAKE, 4 A's 2 B's ( and one of those B's was in BAND) the other B was really a B+ and that is in Algebra, 9 th grade math, and he is in 8th grade, so YEAH FOR HIM!!! the other two.... not much to say except that Brett is now grounded till I see fit to take him off, and I told Alec to drop a class, He insists that this class that he has the bad grade in is the only one that he has learned anything in.. so he doesnt want to drop it. UGHHHH I wanted to shake him!
Speaking of wanting to Shake someone, SCOTT would be that other someone. We kind of got into it this weekend, And he made a comment that bugged me to no end, he said, And pardon the pun, " I am all about keeping up with the Jones's" that is what motivates me to do everything in my life!!! What the hell???? I was hurt that he thought that about me, but More hurt that he doesnt know me at all if he truely thinks that about me, Seriously, ?? He really thinks that is me? I couldnt even begin to understand where that came from, when I asked for a example, I didnt really get one, I got a random one... to do with the boys playing baseball?? not too sure what that meant, but OK.
Ok, I have to go get some things done, but I will leave you with a Sam Quote:
SAM:" I dont like to eat Black Turkey" ...
ME: " Sam, there isnt a Black Turkey"
SAM: " I dont want to eat a Black Turkey"
ME: " Sam, the turkey is white, not black, where did you see a Black Turkey"?
SAM: " On TV, I dont want to eat a BLACK TURKEY"!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Check this out!

The Store owner got this email from a customer last night:

I just wanted to tell you that Tami in your store is SPECTACULAR!!!...She has always helped me find things in the store and she always GREETS everyone with a wonderful smile!!! She always helps them find what they need.

She makes me want to come back in and bring my friends in as well!

I just thought it is good to tell an owner when they have made such a great choice in an employee.


How cool is that? Susan from the store forward it to me last night. you never hear the good stuff, so I think that is very cool.

Ok, I have a class tonight, My hand hurts from punching 375 circles.. yes, 375 circles... TWICE!! it was very annoying, and I am not looking forward to doing this again when I have the same class in TWO weeks. I did a repeat of the class cause the first one filled up so fast!
Here is the class:

Ok I am off !

Monday, November 06, 2006

Are you sitting down?

two post from me, in the same friggin day! I know, Shock of your life, but I had to share these funnies with you, coming to you from my Friend Sharon, the one who sat near the man with gas in Jury Duty last week.....

This one is my favorite!

Enjoy the funnies!

I had a post and now its gone

It even had a picture of Lisa B in it too... from a class that I took from her on Friday at the convention, And it was here, and then it just vanished. The blogging gods are not with me today.
I will recap: Went to the Bellevue convention on Friday , Took two classes, one from Lisa B.
The other had the potential of being very good, BUT the gal that was scheduled to teach it, didnt, and no-one said why , I was upset cause I picked the class based on the teacher, I will be writting the company today to ask for an explination on this matter. I had a great night Friday night, A good night sleep, A much needed good night sleep, after a highly emotional week. I dont usually sleep well, but Friday night , I did.
Before I forget, here is the Picture that the first post had: I dont know who she is talking to, and I dont know the lady in the back, this was the best picture that I got, so here ya go. I did get a chance to talk to her, I called her over to mine and Zora's table, and told her how we met on her MB years ago, and have been friends since.. I didnt tell her that we no longer visit her MB, cause she didnt need to know that detail.

I spent all of Sunday putting class kits together for my class Tuesday night, When I Wasnt doing the class kits, I was making my mothers Birthday present. I have been working on this since the summer, I cant show you now, but I will show you after NOV 22, once I know she has it in her hands, It was ALOT of work.. but all worth it cause she is my mommy.

I also told you in the post that has since vanished about Sam, and how he tells his big brothers what to do, It was cute at the time, but now I dont feel like re-capping that, so you missed out on a Sam story, Have a good day!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

a couple of Pictures in My Grandmothers Memory, Rae-Rae passed away Sunday afternoon in Boston, And while We all knew this was going to happen, it doesnt make it hurt any less. I know she is in a better place, and is dancing and singing where she is, I know she is happy now.. but I am hurting, I am sad to have lost such a great lady in my life, I have so many wonderful, happy, funny memories from my time with her, I will cherish them and always share them with my boys. I will always remember her with her smiling face and how she would break out in a song whenever she felt like it. .....

In these pictures are the same two ladies... My Great Grandma Ramona, And My Grandmother, Rae-Rae . the picture on the left was taken in the early 1920's, the one on the right was taken on the 4th of July in 1976. .. This is how I will always remember her, Happy and full of life...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I just Scored 240 cards ....

for a class I am teaching in Nov. .. 240 cards... 12 x 20.. 12 cards.. 20 kits. Why am I scoring them You ask?? ( that is what a Co-worker asked me) My answer: Because I want them to actually finish the 12 cards in the 2 hour time slot. I pre-cut everything, and if Me scoring them the cards for them will help them, then there ya go... Because seriously, how many of us have half finished projects from Conventions, or classes, Projects that we say we will do, and we never do? And I dont want that for the people that pay me money to take My class.. I want them to say, " Hey, we like taking classes with Tami, we leave with a finished project! ".... So again,.. 240 cards just scored... Wine anyone?

At the store today...

a lady came in and said she had never scrapped ,and wanted to do an album for her son, all four years of his Football for High school, ( he is just now a freshman) she wanted to know where to get started. She didnt like the Album I showed her, The fact that it had page protectors was a turnoff for her. She wanted to plop everything of the page and use photo corners . She mentioned having newspaper clippings and was going to laminate them. I told her she should spray them with the Archival spray, so they wont yellow and fall apart, Again, she said she would laminate them.. again I said, Spray them first... She wasnt listening to me. She wanted the album to have more pages, Said that she could fill the whole album with the first year alone, I suggested more than one album, maybe one for each year.. she said no, she wanted one for all four years, and then for college too... ( she must think he is something) .. I left her alone after that, So my question is : Why ask for help if your not going to take it? From someone who knows what they are talking about too no less... Makes no sense to me...

Conversation with Sam tonight when I got home:

Sam : I have shorts on today, its not hot, but I dont care
Me, : I see that Sam, why dont you have pants on, its really cold out:
Sam: Cause, this is what I ... The Sky is Blue mom....

LOL, Where that came from I have no idea, it was like it just hit him, HEY, the SKY IS BLUE!! it was pitched black when he said it to me too.. To be four again, you can have random thoughts and say them outloud, without people thinking you didnt take your meds....

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Updated pics!

This is the picture of Alec and his date, and Friends from Homecoming. He had a fun time, they all were very grown up for the night, Dressed up, A limo, dinner at a very Fancy restuarant. I am sure it was a night to remember.. He is doing good, the ankle is healing, the swelling is coming down ,and even though he shouldnt be, he is walking without his crutches, He is very anxious to get back to working out and getting ready for wrestling season, which starts in just a month. I will keep you posted on his progress.

I was able to get to another of Jakes Football games this week, They lost, But it was fun to watch, I love being able to take pictures of him too , I am not sure if I can get to another game, I think Tuesday I will be able to get to that one for a short time, then I will have to leave to get ready for my class, I may not even be able to make it to another of Jake's game... At least I got to two of them! I would have liked to have gotten better pictures of him on the sidelines, They are good to scrap He is # 55, the center in this photo..

The boy that was injured last thursday at Jakes Game is still in his medical induced coma, But he has progressed nicely. They wont know much till he wakes up, the extent of his damage, he may be totally fine, but they just dont know. He has responded to certain things that make his outcome look bright. Keep him in your prayers, His name is Zackery. His Family have set up a website to let everyone keep up on his progress, they update it daily, and you can read about how he is doing, the site is go to " a caring bridge site" off to the right, then in the spot enter a caring bridge site, you enter " zackerylystedt" all one word, and you will be taken to his site , I suggest you start with the first entry in his journal, where it explains how he was hurt, then they have updated it daily with his progress.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Football injuries, Homecoming, and A prayer ...

First I need to ask all that visit my blog, even if your not the praying type, to please Keep a young boy named Zach in your prayers. Zach is an 8th grader, who was playing football For His School, Tahoma, Against Jakes Team, Mattson, on Thursday afternoon, Zach took a hard hit from one of Jake;s team mates early in the 1st quarter, he stayed down for a bout a minute, but then got up and went to the sidelines. He told his coach and his Dad that he had a headache, but went back in at the end of the game, after two plays he went back to the side line where he collapsed, had a siezure and stopped breathing. The medics were able to get him breathing again, where he was then life flighted out to Harborview Hospital in Seattle. He underwent surgery that night to release the swelling on his brain, they left his skull open in two places, and his outlook doesnt look good at all, he has been in a coma since this happened. Zach is an only child, and his parents are just devasted. That is all I know right now. Also keep the young man Dalton, who hit him, in your prayers, it was a clean hit, just a freak thing, and I am sure Dalton is just a mess as you can imagine. I will post anything when I know it.

Moving on to My Son ALEC, who injured his ankle on Friday in a pick up football game. I was happily scrapping away at my store ( doing a LO of Alec wrestling ) and he called, telling me he couldnt walk, he thought he should go to urgent care, Alrighty I said, He got a ride there, where I met him, and his hugely swollen ankle.. Keep in mind, this was the DAY BEFORE homecoming Dance. Xrays showed he has a chip bone and a very sprained ankle. So on Crutches he went.... I am sure his date is thrilled, but HE wanted to be sure he still went, promised he wouldnt dance, he just said he was NOT missing this. Here he is when he and his Friend Frankie stopped by my store so I could see them, before they went to pick up their dates:

Handsome young men if I do say so myself. I will post pictures of them with their Dates when I have them.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Computer Error

I have had computer problems, I am not sure what the problems have been, but it has taken me forever to post anything, even on other blogs, ( I finally got one on Maegans last night, but it took 3 tries!) So I havent been in too much of a mood to try to do this.
What has been going on?
It was our Five year Wedding Anniversary last Friday, I worked, We had dinner on SAT. We were going to go away for the night, But couldnt get the sitter thing together, Then planned to do it on the 21st, But I think not now. Honestly, once the day has come and gone, I dont have the desire. I do want to buy tickets to the NUTCRACKER again this year, And I have been looking into that, Scott does want to go again ( YEAH!) so I think we will do that, We had great seats last year, But Scott was Sick, and I was taking medication that made me fall asleep when I sat still, ( LOL, seriously, I fell asleep during the first act, and it wasnt because I was bored!) So we thought it would be fun to go when we were not drugged or sick. Sam will be spending the night at his Grandmas on the 21st, so maybe we can still go to dinner, I am off at two that day, so I want to do something!
I was able to go to one of Jakes Football games On Tuesday, I didnt get any pictures of him on the sidelines, cause he played the whole stinkin game, Both Offense and Defense. So Here is a picture but honestly, I think I am the only one who can find Jake, He is # 55. I did get this one shot of him on the side lines, Notice him tucking in his shirt, The coach yelled at all the boys before the game, telling them he doesnt want to see the T-shirts under their uniforms, so all the boys kept tucking in their shirts the whole time :

Onto other news, I have been busy with my Classes, I had a tool class the other night, it went well, Got thru it all in the Allowed time, They made two cards, learned how to use a bunch of Scrapping Tools, and They all had fun! Next tuesday I have a basic's class, and the following Tuesday I have my Bo-bunny Christmas Accordian album/tin Class. That one will be very detailed, but I am trying to make it go as smoothly as I can by pre-cutting lots of stuff. Ok ,Off to play with Sam.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I have been TAGGED

My dear Friend Maegan Tagged me, I have to post the 5 weirdest things about me... ok, here goes:

Weirdism #1: I cant listen to people Chew... Eat .. when eating a meal with someone there must be Noise , a TV, a Radio, Chatter in a restaurant, if it is quiet I have to leave the room. This doesnt go over well with most men in my life.

Weirdism #2: I hate the noise of someones fork, or spoon hitting the plate or bowl.. IT gives me a sick sick feeling in my stomache, almost like an anxiety attack, its that bad, This also goes with the sound of people sticking their hands in a chip bag, Ever hear of putting them on a plate?

Weirdism #3: I ( like Maegan) wont prepare Raw Chicken or A Turkey, in fact, I have been having Fred Meyer Prepare my Turkey dinners for the last few years, cause I wont stick my hand in that thing , Chickens are just as gross, they smell when they are raw.. they smell like a bird.

Weirdism #4. I cant sleep in the same room with my Husband, We have realized that we sleep better alone, I have to sleep with a Fan going, and he cant, he says it kicks up the dust ( which I am sure it does cause dusting isnt high on my list of priorities) I have to have the window open even in the dead of winter, I need to feel the fresh air blowing in from outside. So, My Husband and I have not slept in the same room for well over a year, And I must say, I have been sleeping better and better since then.

Weirdism #5 I Cant listen to anything, a TV show, A Person on the radio, ANYTHING when they talk about the New York Yankees, I have to change it... Good or bad that they are going to say about that dreadful team, I cant listen, I turn into a child and stick my fingers in my ears and sing "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA" the whole time... Its weird, and I think goes beyond my love for the Red Sox.. They just make me sick.

Now for The Rules:List 5 Weird things about yourself or your pets.Tag 5 Friends and list them.Those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, state the rules, and tag 5 more people.Don’t forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!

So I will TAG : Jules , Shar, Jayne, Darla, and Cindy! ! Have fun ladies!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Had my first class last night!

And it went well, it was a very involved class, this one was the Card tin, so the had to use the mod podge and cover the TIN and do the insides as well. There were a couple of ladies that were pretty much beginners to scrappin, so things didnt come as easy to them as some of the others, But It all went well, they finished in the time they had , and they all left with pretty tins! IT was a full house with the sell out of the class too!
I have a NOV class that has already sold out, so I added another date for that , ( that was the Advent Calendar class) . So far , so good! I think I will do a bit more pre cutting for my next tin class which is in a few weeks, just so they dont even have to think about it!

This was what we made last night:

Sunday, October 01, 2006

What a week its been

I have been working non stop at preping for my first class, Which is Tuesday Oct 3rd( yes, in 2 days) I have made templates, Cut 12 months to size, cut ribbon All for 15 people! it has been alot of work, and I am hoping it pays off in the end with a smooth successful class, The fact that it is SOLD OUT ( yes, you read that right) means that there wont be alot of wiggle room, so I hope all my preping and pre-planning works out for me and the students. I know most of the people in the class, All are customers, Some very regulars, two friends, so I feel good with who I have and I dont plan on being nervous!
But, I am sick, I have had a sinus cold since Friday, I cant tell if its getting better, or worse, I tried to rest as much as I could today, but that just didnt work out too well. I need to still do some things , but I plan on stopping all work at 9 pm and sit down in front of the TV and chill out for the rest of the night.
I had to ground Brett and Jake tonight, There is the standing rule that you need to be home from friends house's by 6pm on a school night, They were out together at Bretts Friends house, and waltzed in the door at 6:35, By 6:15 they were already grounded in my mind. When I asked them what time they should have been home, they DIDNT KNOW... Hello.. same time for the last 3 years... I told them it was rude of them to walk thru the door whenever they pleased, and not even calling me, Making me worry about them, I dont ask alot of them, But I do ask that they come home on time, and to let me know where they are... maybe now they will remember.

Sam on Friday after School
Sam: we beat the girls today
Me: doing what Sam?
Sam: Peeing and washing our hands....

LOL, And you always will Sam.

Monday, September 25, 2006

DRopped Sam off at Pre School today, While we were waiting for the doors to open, one of the dad's asked me " have you ever seen the movie 'fever pitch' "? I said , yes, several times, Why? " Dad Said " cause that is what you remind me of" Thank you Dad at pre-school, I take that as a compliment. (for those of you who dont know it, My car is decked out in Red Sox stuff, My personalized Plate that says BOSRDSX for starters, the frame around the plate, 2004 world series champions, the stickers in each corner of the windows , One that says " Just say no, to the New York Yankees" the one going across the top of my back window, The one on the side window... You get the picture.) We then went on to talk about Baseball a bit, and about the Seahawks game yesterday.
Then I went to starbucks and Meet Sharon for Coffee, Where we sat and talked for 1 hour and 45 mins, It was fun to chat and catch up, and we will do it more often for sure. Then I went back to get Sam, and we are now having lunch, Sam learned how to STOP DROP AND ROLL today in School, and he showed me all he learned, He is so cute, he was rolling around on the floor back and forth, asking if he was done... all the while covering his face with his hands.

That is it for now, I have a busy week ahead of me, lots to do to prepare for my first class next Tuesday! I will be dropping Sam off at School on WED and FRiday and heading to the store to prepare, I love the paper trimmers we have there, I think I will have to invest in on for my home , but its a HUGE investment, ( around 200.00) , Huge for me. HAve a good day!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Class Open house was Today!

And it was GREAT!! All the teachers had a great sign up tur out, and I did Great too! So far I have :
7 people for my Basic Grey Card keeper
8 for my Bo-Bunny christmas tin
6 for my Cards
9 for my Advent Calendar
2 for my chalkboard
4 for my pocket calendar

How cool is that? AND they can sign up UP till the day before the class! 15 is the most that there is space for in a class. I am So excited, I am Beyond excited! I am also teaching the Getting started class, and its free for anyone to attend, I get paid the same amount for 1 person as I would for 15, I have one of those every month and I have one signed up for OCT. My Tool class didnt do well at all, but I ran out of room on my table ( isnt that crazy?) so I wasnt able to set out the tools and projects for that one, But its all Good, I couldnt be any happier! And I have at least ONE friend in every class!
So , let me say to you all, thank you very much for the support you have given me, and thank you for attending my classes!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

So yesterday was the day, the day that all of the Class projects went up and people could start signing up for them, I didnt expect much on the first day, We are having a class open house on SAT and we have been talking about that for almost a month, And if they sign up AT the class open house, they get 10% off, ( I found out yesterday that they get 10% off till the end of the month as well) . I did have one person sign up for three of my classes yesterday , and one for one, And Many people take note of whats days what was on, I am hoping for lots of sign ups this SAT, but some of these classes go out thru DEC, so really, they can wait till the day before to sign up for them.... But anyone who ever has done anything like this feels the same way, you fear that no-one will like them, no-one will sign up... and your left wondering if your not as good as you thought you were ( haha, seriously though) .... Wish me luck, keep your fingers crossed, send good vibes.. all that good stuff.

On another note, can I just say that I LOVE my new co-workers? One is A younger girl ( she is young enough to be my Daughter, she just turned 18 in June) she and I work mostly together, three nights a week, and a few Saturdays, she is sweet as can be. And Lesa , all I can say about Lesa is that we are so very much alike, Like two peas in a pod, she is a joy to work with, and she is also one of our teachers, and feels just like I do.. She is just a great lady. Not that my other co-workers are not, I just wanted to comment on these great new ones!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

IS it SAT already?

well, its really Sunday already! but I havent been to bed yet, So its Still SAT to me. My week just seemed to get away from me, Between Getting Sam up and out of the house so early 3 times a week, and the fact that I wasted 6 hours of my day off with a Migraine , I feel like I have done nothing... But I know that is not true, So why do I feel like it? I put all the finishing touches on ALL my class projects, And I WAS DONE!!! WAS DONE.. key words.. I somehow forgot that we had agreed to make Make n Takes for the Class open house next SAT, Each teacher is going to make some.. so, I must have not wanted to hear this and I let it fly right over my heard, cause it was Thursday of this week when I "first heard of it" LOL... so I had to think some more? I thought I was done with that for a while... So I came up with a make n take, and I am just oh so cleaver that I am inserting a small list with all my classes and the dates, just so they dont forget, they will be using the new Making memories Notch Tool on this make n take.. ... And then I had to do My Teacher BIO For the store, A 9x9 Layout all about me.. Lovely. I did one tonight, And I do think it turned out pretty good, But I still need to add my picture , I was waiting till Wed when I get my haircut to take a new one. So what do you think?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Girls are pretty fine..

That is what SAM thinks... but lets back track here a bit, I came home from work last friday to hear that Sam had declared that he didnt like little girls ( something to do with pre-school I am sure) So we talked about this for a bit, only to find out that everything I said ( like , Cari is a girl, and you love her ) he had an answer for.. " Cari is my cousin" " Auntie Shelly is My Auntie" .... so I gave up, I told his brothers about it, ( Alec knew he had never gone thru such a phase, lol) and had hoped they would tell him something good about girls. I dropped him off at school on Monday , and mentioned this to his teacher, in case he didnt want to sit near one, or something, ( I mentioned this AFTER she commented on Sams never ending supply of Baseball shirts, lol) Teacher Teri said ok, We will see if we can fix it.... Picked him up after school, and I asked him how he felt about little girls today.. and he said " Mom, Girls are pretty fine".. I tried not to laugh, and said " oh, you do like girls today?" and he said " yup, They wear pretty Clothes, I wear cool clothes, girls wear pretty clothes" .. Ok Teacher Teri, You said something to make him like them again....

Monday, September 11, 2006

5 years later....We will Never Forget

Where we were when we first heard about the attacks on the WTC. It was just after 7 am when I walked into the living room, the boys were watching "spongebob squarepants" on Nick , and I noticed the light flashing on the phone meaning I had a voice mail. Much to my shock, I had several, first one from my mom in CA, she was asking me if I was around , where was I, why didnt I pick up the phone? ( my first thought was, 'mom, its a Voicemail, I cant hear you' )... I deleted that message, then My next one was from my sister Shelly, her message was a bit more disturbing, " Tami, where are you? Are you watching TV? the whole world is blowing up around us, At least that is what it seems like, call me" .. At this point I hung up the phone and told the boys to put on channel 5 , they did, and I wasnt sure what I was seeing... I just sat there on the couch and watched in shock, the boys were asking what was going on, where this was, ect.. I didnt even know what to say. I then called Scott at work, (something you just dont do) and asked him what was going on..That was when I first heard his name, 'Bin Laden'. Now, I may have heard his name before, But It didnt click, I had no clue who this monster was, but after hearing the way Scott said it, ( he added a few colorful words to his name) I never forgot it. I had to take the boys to school, I remember the drive with Alec, he was in 7th grade, and we listened to the radio on the way.. when he got out we told each other we love you.. it was a strange feeling, letting your children go that morning. After Brett and Jake got on the bus, I just sat in front of the TV and cried all day ( I didnt have to work), Thankful that everyone I knew and loved were safe....

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Come visit my Scrapping Blog

I have been busy working on all my projects for my classes, and I have added just a few of them on my scrap blog, Go take a look and see what you think..

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

FIRST DAY OF PRE-K!! I was Freaking out.. But Sam did very well. I have been trying to upload the pics ALL day, but something is up, Still dont know if it will work tonight, But It was time to post about his Big Day!

It worked.. OK This picture is from before we left the house,

And then it was off to School, We left a bit early Jake wanted a ride cause he had his SAX with him, So We dropped him of at School then arrived at Pre-K a bit early, so we waited in the car till the door opened, Then we went in, Found his cubby, Put his back pack in it, and we went in the other room and Sam found a spot on the rug, he wanted to sit on the "S" but another little girl was on it, And so I asked him if he wanted to sit on the "A" but he said no, ( I think it was cause there was a girl on the "Y", making it a bit too close for comfort, so he picked the "C" by this time I was trying not to cry, and I was taking his picture, Watching him.. he was so amazed by all that was around him, I knew he would enjoy his time there, But I on the other hand, wasnt enjoying MY time there, So I left quickly before I started to cry and he could see me, I told him to have fun, and I left. Here is a picture of that:

And then one more picture from before we left, Sam wanted me to take a picture of His Backpack.... :

When I picked him up he was so happy to see me, Jumped into my arms, we then dinned on MCDonalds, and Sam told me all about the playground... and that they sang the 'itsy bitsy spider'.. and that he ate his snack and drank his juice.

I can tell you all right now, I am not going to like this year, I have Sam doing this Pre-K thing, and Alec being a senior on me, I am not liking this growing up thing....

Monday, September 04, 2006

No Laboring for me today!

I did nothing on Labor day... I did not labor AT all, In fact, I watched alot of TV... since I have been facing the fact that the RED SOX will not be in the playoffs this year, I have been in a bit of a bad mood, So I thought it was time to bring out the DVD's on the 2004 Season ( for those of you that have been living in a cave, The RED SOX won the WORLD SERIES in 2004). I started out with watching the Movie, " Fever Pitch" which is a great movie about a guy who is in love wht the sox, and how he cant seem to keep a love life when they are playing, But in the winter, he is a great Boyfriend, They just happened to film this movie the year they won the world series, they were going to end the movie with the sox losing, Just as they have every year for the past 86 years, But then, They kept winning, And winning, and WON, So they changed the ending of the movie... Just a little tid bit in case you didnt know. ... Then I put in the Fabulous DVD of the 2004 playoffs and WS games, Denis Leary is the narrator in this DVD, I love him. That one lasted 90 minutes, And I loved every moment of it. After it was over and I returned to the present day, I then went and took a nap, ( major headache, tried to get rid of it) .
School starts in the morning, Oh yeah..... I have a child leaving the house every hour starting at 5:45 am, Brett will leave then for Drill team for ROTC , Then Alec leaves at 6 : 45 am.. Jake to follow at 7:45, and on Sams pre-k days, he will have to be there at 8:45... Thank god I am a fan of coffee... But I am also a fan of sleep, so where does that leave me??

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Red Sox Pitcher Has Cancer

This was released yesterday, There had been talk all week that this was what was wrong with him, and it was just confirmed:

BOSTON (CP) - Baseball has become secondary for the Boston Red Sox as they deal with the news that one of their young pitchers has a treatable form of cancer.
The Red Sox released word today that left-hander Jon Lester has been diagnosed with a treatable form of anaplastic large cell lymphoma, and will undergo treatment within the coming week.
Lester underwent a battery of tests over the past week after battling a sore back.
He was diagnosed with enlarged lymph nodes, and a biopsy revealed the lymphoma.
Red Sox manager Terry Francona visited Lester yesterday prior to the Sox opening a four-game series with the Toronto Blue Jays.

Lester is 7-2 with a 4.76 ERA and 60 strikeouts in 81 1-3 innings

Lester is a young guy, I had to chance to get a few pictures of him in July when he was here, and commented at the time that he was just a baby, :

I have whinned and groaned about how much they have lost lately, and how they have so many people injured, but those have nothing on this one. I wish him a speedy recovery..... I can say that the Red sox now have 10 people sitting out with injuries, and included are all of their starting pitchers.. so basically , when you are watching the RED SOX play, your really watching their AAA team play,...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


that has been what I have been in search of these past few days, A Pre-school that has an AM opening for Fall ( yes, next week) for Sam. isnt an easy task to say the least, Because most people, ( the smart ones who are not wondering if their child should go to pre-school) do this in the SPRING.. But no, not me, The truth be told that I didnt want to send Sam to pre-school, I was perfectly content to keep him home with me, This is after all, the last year that I have him home with me, And I am PERFECTLY aware of how fast time flies ( perfect example is Alec, Who will enter the 12th grade on TUESDAY, 12th GRADE... I honestly remember HIS first day of Kindergarten like it was yesterday, I remember what he was wearing, I remember how we walked him to school Me pushing Brett and Jake in the double stroller, Alec walking beside us, And how excited Alec was when we entered his room to find that his little desk was in the same group as Kaitlyns, the only person he met at the 'meet the teacher' thing a few days before. Alec and Kaitlyn remained the best of friends for two years, till we moved to WA.) Anyway, getting off track here, TIME FLIES TOO FAST!!!!! I dont want another child going off to school, Pre-K or not!!! But Scott INSISTED that Sam had to go.. so off he will go, and I will cry and cry I am sure. But I must be honest, I will be crying all year with Alec graduating, Dont even get me going on that one!
Why must they grow up?

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Tshirt says it all

Sam this weekend with His grandma at the hotel that he left his blankie at.

Long time no BLOG

I have been busy.. Busy doing stuff... Thats my story and I am sticking to it!

Big story around here, Sam went away for the weekend with his grandma, She took him to the zoo, and the played in the fountains, and they stayed at a hotel in Tacoma, where they played some more. Sam arrived home today minus his favorite Blankie... NOT GOOD, And this blankie, by the way, use to be Jakes favorite Blankie, and when I gave it to Sam when he was 6 months old, he instantly became attached to it. He finds it in the dark just by touch.. ( maybe smell?) it was a Gymboree baseball blanket from 1997! there is no way you can find another one.. So what does Mommy Do? I first call the 800 # for the hotels, cause I dont know WHICH Sheraton she stayed at in Tacoma, they were very helpful, and told me which one it was, where I was then directed to lost and found.. back to the front desk I went when she couldnt locate My Mother-in-laws room.. Front desk told me what room it was, so Back to the lost and found lady I went to. They said they would search the room, and call me back....... Phone rings... I'm sorry, I cant locate the dirty old blanket... Maybe it got sent down the laundry shoot and it will show up in the laundry, if that happens they will call me back.... Hour later , they called! It was in the laundry shoot , her description of it " its kind of yellow with blue baseball caps and baseballs on it, looks like a baby blanket with some holes in it?" Yeah lady, that is the Must have, cant sleep without it, gone through two sons, smelly blanket, that I now will drive to Tacoma to pick up so sam can sleep. Thank GOD she found it!!

Again, we wont talk RED SOX,, they were just in town.. had tickets to all games... they lost ALL Games... thats all I am saying about that.

I am trying to start a Scrap blog, showing all my projects for classes, But that will wait till all projects are finished, and I have time to take the pictures and load them, But I have been working on getting the projects finished first!

Monday, August 21, 2006

the reason for my bad mood ...

I am in a bad mood.... I have been since Friday, And I know why I am in this bad mood.. Its the Red Sox. They just lost 5 in a ROW in Boston, To the Skankees.... 5 In a ROW!! What the ??? this is crazy, it was heartbreaking for any Red Sox Fan... Alec came in tonight and said " we will not even talk about baseball".. No Alec, we will not... So There ya go, the reason why I have been in such a bad mood since Friday AM....

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Flip Flop Family

Last night when I got home and told Scott about my shitty day, he asked me what he could do to make it better, I didnt have an answer, so nothing. Well This morning I woke up to Breakfast, Coffee and He had emptied the dishwasher... I dont know if that was what he was doing to try to make things better for me, But it was a good way to start my day.
I finally got together with my sisters around 6 ish tonight, Shelly's DH Norm, took us to dinner, It was nice, Kelli wasnt very talkative, Shelly was thinking of all the many things she had to do before they leave tomorrow on their trip, But I just enjoyed being out . After that we went back to her house where Norm the bartender made me a couple of cosmos... We then took this fabulous picture , ( story on the picture, I have been looking at this Jolee's thing in my store for a couple of months, It is this adorable title, with flip flops, saying Flip flop Family.. I have been dying to use it, but I dont have a " flip flop family " in my house, so I got my sisters, Shelly, Kelli, Carrie and Myslef to take this picture, Kelli and Shelly thought it was crazy, ( although one of them did admit it was cute) and Carrie of course enjoyed it... So here is the picture that I had to have.

on to what my night has been like alone... well it has been quiet that is for sure... I took Shellys Dog tonight with me cause I needed some company ( he is staying with me while she is gone ) . I must say, I am not an alone person, I like being alone.. but not in this big house . Nope, Not a fan.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Ok, For the past 5 years, I have had two last names, I have Been Tami Jones with the IRS ( actually I have been Tami Jones with the IRS since 1987, minor detail) And Tami Shumate with everything else, ( checking account, DMV, things like that). So today I go to deposit my check with my bank, The VERY SAME bank that I have had for 10 years, And Oh, excuse me, They wont take my Check cause its made out to TAMI JONES.... I went OFF on them Asking them where the hell are their Higher standards of Banking that they speak so loudly of( bank of America, that is there logo) the Bitch told me , THIS WAS their higher standard of banking, She then told me she didnt like my tone of voice, and I then Asked her if anyone has ever told her she was a bitch? ( Not cool, I know, But I was livid) I then left and told the bitch that I would go to another branch that would happily take my money, she told me she didnt think so.. But I did...and the other bank took it, No problem. But now I am pretty sure there is a flag on my account ( I am sure the bitch wrote it down) to not take Any checks with Tami Jones... So its time to change my name BACK to Tami Jones. Why , you ask? Because, I have been her since 1987, and I like it, its easy, I dont have to spell it for anyone, and I have three sons with that name. Scott on the other hand doesnt think its so cool.. I said I would make it JONES-SHUMATE.... to make him happy to cover ALL of my sons, Scott doesnt like it. I just about dont care... I will be heading to the DMV this week for a New licsence with the name JONES-Shumate...
That was just the start of my not so great day... I love my sisters, but it seems that we cant all just hang out, See, whenever Kelli comes here, She stays with Shelly, Never with me.. so there I always am, going to Shellys , and hanging out with them.. but I always feel left out, like I am missing out on the good stuff when I am not around, and when I am there, Well I feel ignorned really. I asked Kelli to stay here Sat night since I am going to have the house to myself, and Shelly didnt think that she needed to... Whatever I said to that, no biggie, But I took half of SAT off to hang out with them and then today I was told that they may be in Seattle ..... ok, So why did I take half the day off ? Why did I bother? cause when I said I didnt get off till 6 , I was told that was late... ok, so Now I am to call in the AM and find out if they will be home, and not go to seattle ( in shellys defense, she doesnt want to go, they got some free tickets to a movie for the kids and the kids want to go, ) I am so upset by this all that all I want to do is go home at 2 ( early) and be alone.... I hate when I feel like I am on the outside looking in when it comes to this sister realationship that we all have.... I am fine, one on one, as I think they are too.. and maybe I am the only one feeling this way, In fact, I know I am the only feeling this way. ok, I am done bitching....

Thursday, August 17, 2006

What's a Girl to do?

Ok, so, can I tell you how excited I am about Saturday? I will be home alone.. ALONE, for the entire night, Till Sunday noonish! Can you believe it? I am not sure WHAT I will do , But I am thinking about Scrapping, ( of course) and cleaning my scrap room... sleeping sounds good too, I am just not sure. My sis Kelli arrived today from Vegas, so I will be going over to Shellys to hang out with them, but I figure by 8 pm, here I will be, in this big house all alone.... whats a girl to do?

So Sam has been such a crack up lately.. tonight I was told that he was caught " getting rid of the dead roses", But the bad thing was, He cut all the Good roses ... yup, just snipped them off.. Scott found him with the prunners in hand.... Sam's reaction?? " Dad, I am really really sorry" ..... They were my peach roses too, he could have at least cut the red ones.

Sam also was yelling at his brothers yesterday.. it seems they were sitting on his friends.. Goodness, They should have seem them before they sat down.

On another note, I love Big and Carrie... the couple on Sex and the City... their relationship is so ..... real, so me.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Sam's 4th Birthday Party!

This was During the Pinata, and after , they boys with all their goodies. It was a pull apart pinata, so they all just had to pull Hard, and all at once, They thought it was very cool. Sam had a good day, Played baseball with his Friends, It got a bit on the warm side in the sun, so we found shade under the big tree in the front, once we were there, we didnt go back, lol. I have to admit it, I am not a fan of parties at my house, The pressure of doing it right, making sure it all goes well, cleaning the darn place, ( that is my most hated part), I dont like it, period. But I better, cause in 10 months ( not like I am counting) I will be having Alecs Graduation party in the Same yard... I am already stressing over that!

I have my first offical TEACHERS Meeting at the Store tomorrow, I am so excited! I cant wait to get this going and start teaching, One of the gals there that teaches( and I know this happens with them all) Has a following, the same people always take her classes, with a few new ones thrown into the mix. I am hoping that happens to me, and that they are not Just all my friends! LOL, Several ladies, ( customers) are interested in my classes, ask all the time when they can sign up, so I am hoping that I have been there long enough, that the gals know me, and want to take my classes, Right now its Three a month, The first three tuesdays of the month. if the dont fill, then you cancel, so I am hoping for TWO a month in reality....

Ok, Off for the night, Lynette, remind me to send you pictures of your boys from the party!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I have neglected my blog since WED, I have neglected much in my life since WED. My sister called me late that night to tell me that my nephew, Scottys Check- up revealed that he is Diabetic. Her intial thoughts were shock, and had no clue what was coming next, Scotty had a baseball game that night, They figured they could go play , and then meet with the Doctors the next day, Yeah, Not so much, He was sent to Childrens Hospital in Seattle, where he then spent the next three days learning how to deal with his new life.( you should have seen all the books that they were sent home with, not to mention the needles, test strips, medicine, ect) He will be insulin Dependent for the rest of his life. But I must say , he is doing well with it all, for now. I was there last night at the house for his homecoming, and he handled the whole thing well, Checking his levels before he ate, Then giving himself the insulin after the fact, His friends wanted to watch, and Shelly and I both thought that was important that they did, that they knew Scotty was the Same Scotty that they always knew , ( these kids are 12, so common sense doesnt come naturally to them)they all went out to play after he did it, and they thought it was pretty cool too. We are going over today, Sam wants to give Scotty a band-aid, thinking that will make him feel better. ( how sweet is that?)
So today I will also be cleaning the house, Sam is having his Birthday Party tomorrow, with 5 little friends, How fun , I will take lots of pictures of course.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Home From Camping, And its Sam's birthday!

Sam is FOUR!!! how insane is that ?? here is a pic of today..

the best reaction that he did was when he opened a baseball pitching machine thing, and he said , and I quote " Now THATS A PRESENT!" LOL, we all got a good laugh from that one.

So Camping.... we went camping, and all went well, the boys had a good time, the older boys floated down the river a couple of times, Alec found a stick almost the second we got there, And he carved it the whole time, Kept him busy for sure, But he did wish his knive had a comfort grip on it, lol. Sam threw rocks in to the river the whole time, and two ladies next to us wanted to keep him, thought he was the cuteset thing ever... and I must agree. We played games, and had fun... Family togetherness, it was nice to see them away from the PS2 for a few days! Here are some pictures of that:

so as it was nice to be together, I am so glad its over... there is only so much togetherness I can take...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bagel Dave has died...

for those of you who dont know, its Sam's imaginary friend, And it seems he is Dead. Here is the way the conversation went:

Me : Sam, where is Bagel Dave?
Sam: HE's dead, I sat on him.
Me: Why did you do that?
Sam: Cause my brothers are home, so I just did.
then he walked away...

A few minutes later, I called Sam over and said:
Sam, Bagel dave doesnt have to go away just cause your brothers are home, he can still be your friend.
Sam: I just dont need him anymore, I am done with him, I have my brothers.

This Kid is FOUR ( well, will be on WED) and he is so stinkin Smart!! He made up his friend just cause his brothers were in Vegas , and he was loney. Which is sad.. but he was thinking smart, I'll just make up someone till my brothers come home and then I will sit on him and make him go away!! LOL...
I did ask about the tiny men having a war under my couch, and he informed me that they are ALL OVER the place, not just under the couch.. Lovely.. I hope they dont make too much of a mess.

Ohh I gotta bitch here, My poor red Sox, Just one injury after another, they need heathly pitchers so badly, They just cant win with all these rookies they got pitching for them, .. its making me sad.

Ok, we are off to camping for a couple of nights, Dont miss me too much!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

All boys safe and sound

but the fighting UGH.. I DIDNT miss that one AT ALL! Even Sam is whinning and complaining more.. Its amazing what a difference it all is when you throw a few more brothers into the mix.

Sam still has his Friends , it was nice to see that he didnt dump them since his brothers came home, And yes, There is still a war going on under my couch, they are now using a fire truck and fighting on that.. god only knows what else Sam has put under there to "help them fight the war"...

Brett has been in a mood since he has been home, I sense it has something to do with the fact that he never went to sleep while he was there , before 3 am!! hello?? we dont do that in our house, I may do that, But the boys may not!! So he is now going to bed no later than 11:30 and will wake up around 8 am, considering in less than one month he will have to wake up at 5 AM for the Rifle team for ROTC. .....

Jake had his first day of conditioning for Football this am, I hate this.. I have to get up at 7:30 and drive him to school, and then pick him up, that is just way to very early for me! But its all worth it... I just keep telling myself that....

We are getting ready for our camping trip coming up on Sunday, two nights of togetherness, do you think I can handle it?? I hope so!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Had to blog this

Sam has made up a friend, A few of them really, since his brothers have been gone. He has been playing ball with his "friends" in the hall for a couple of weeks now, When I ask him what their names are, he has just said, :" My Friends, My Brothers" The other day he was yelling at his Friend.. I said Sam, who are you yelling at? He told me he was yelling at his Friend " BAGEL DAVE" , Why are you yelling at Bagel Dave? " Cause he is not catching that ball! " LOL... I tried very hard NOT to laugh out loud at that one. .... he and Bagel Dave played for a while, then he was done.. later I asked him where he was and he didnt know, but another friend was sitting on the floor next to him and he was so tiny ( Sam told me this by holding his thumb and Finger tip together) Oh, so VERY tiny..... Sam said the tiny friend was hanging out with him cause there were a bunch of them fighting under the couch , and his friend wanted to watch TV.....
Today Sam was back in the Hall, Playing Baseball with, Get this " JAKE JONES of THE BOSTON RED SOX" ..... That one cracked me up, he is so cute, and So missing his brothers, THANK GOD they come home tomorrow!!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

congratulations To Kent Little League Majors Advance To Regionals!!

They won STATE today and will advance to Regional play in CA next weekend! This is very exciting news for the Team, ( they are a year younger than what Jake Plays). This is the first year in the 20 year history of Kent LL that any of our teams has advanced to Regional! Here is a picture of the Team, taken at one Of the Local Naval Stations , One of the boys on the team's Dad's is in command there. I know two of the boys on the team, and their familys, Taylor , And AJ, Both are very good friends of my Nephew Scotty, and the mom's are very good friends with my sister, Shelly. Good luck to them all in CA!! to read more about them go to: http://KentLL.ORG

I caved...

Quickutz was having a sale at the store, And everywhere else for that matter. I dont own a Quickutz, but I just may soon, I did however buy 1 die, I figured My Neighbor Lynette has one, I can run over there and cut out things.. Doesnt sound to resonable? Well the one Die I got was the "pennent" I figured I would use it alot with all my sports pages that I do, Also, I pretty much know what color I am going to use through out the book, depending on the Team colors, so I can Cut out a bunch and last me all season! I also got the Icing Rubons, Now, those are awesome, And to top it off Same neighbor has the dies that go to the rubons that I got! My only thing I should have gotten, was the Varsity #'s, I think they are the perfect size, and I would use them alot... Is the sale still on somewhere?

Scott has spent so much time in the yard lately, I keep telling him that Sam's Birthday party is in two weeks, and we will party outside, so do what you can to get it ready.... last night I came home to pretty new bark along the pathway under the roses, and solar lights along same walkway.. very nice.

We are planning a trip to the zoo today, but I am not sure if we will make it, I need to check the weather forcast, it looks like rain... And what a difference in temp, its only 60 degrees right now!

It seems my mom fell down her stairs the other day, she is ok, she just has a really bad swollen Butt.... She cant even really sit, So Alec has been driving her all around town... Which is Funny, cause the boy never wanted to drive here, still just has his permit, even though he went thru drivers ED over a year ago... Could it be that she has a mercedes to Drive, and I only have a Jeep?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Today Brett is 15!

15 years old... how can I have children that are 17,15,13 years old? This is crazy! Happy birthday to My Son, the boy with the big blue eyes that will win over some ladies heart one day... He had a good day , from what I could tell , from the pictures that My Sister sent me. HE had a pool party at my moms, with his brothers, Cousins, and Friends, And tonight they are all at game works playing games till midnight, is that heaven for a bunch of teenagers , or what?

Onto other news, The car had a Tire on it tonight when I drove by! Doing the happy dance here! LOL. Scott said that he noticed the guy called someone out to help him, and I did see the guy leaving when I drove by.. maybe now it will go into the garage, or at the very least, its now fixed and we dont look like we live in Mexico anymore, ( or Spokane, lol ) .

Sam wouldnt say happy birthday to Brett today, he just didnt want to talk to him... I am so glad I am not four, lol....

The Car now has a Ticket on it!

I got three messages from My Neighbor Lynette this am, one on my phone, one instant messaging, and one email, To let me know that the police were putting a ticket on the Broken down car! Whoo hoo!! I never thought I would be so happy to tell on someone, but Yes, I am. Now tonight when I get home from work, that Car have better been moved!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I called the police on it today, I know, That may be bad, But I am so stinkin sick of looking at that damn car! I will give it till Friday to see if it has been moved, and ticketed, or better yet, TOWED.... If nothing, I will call again, And call again, till its gone. Yes, I am a Bitch, But, that is just part of my witty charm!

I am such a baby

Alec left this morning, and Sam and I have been in a poopey mood all morning... Sam wanted to go wake him up. I told him he wasnt here, that he was already at Grandma's.. so then he started to cry , saying ,"Alec needs to be home with me". How sad is that? After he cried for a while, he then said Alec had cookies in his room and we should go get them, lol. I told him no, But that Alec left him some downstairs, so he was then happy again. We will see what happens, I hope it just quickly and Before we know it, they are all home.

I got two more Baseball layouts finished last night, Only one left and then the Album is finished! YEAH!!then I will move on to Alec and Sam's and in between all that, Finish what I am working on for my classes.

We have a problem with one of our neighbors, He has left his Car without a tire ( up on Blocks) for the past two weeks, in front of his house. Not in his Driveway, Not in his GARAGE ( which is empty, by the way) but on the street, in front of his house. We have a small neighborhood, ( 13 houses) and this is really an eye sore. The Man next door, Steve, Asked Scott if he knew anything about it over the weekend, and Steve is getting sick of it , as well as Lynette , who is right across from him. I have thought about calling the police and telling them about it, it is , afterall on the street, and it is not a working car, so they can ticket it or something like that... I think that may be the only option , and the only way this man will do something about it. What would you do?

Monday, July 24, 2006

What a nice weekend!

Take away the disgusting heat that we had here, and it was a nice weekend. Started Friday night with the Red Sox game, ( as stated below) Great game, The Sox had 5 home runs, and won ( they better have won with 5 home runs!) I got an autograph and enjoyed the game with Alec ( even though we were melting into puddles) . Sat AM, We dropped Sam off at Scotts mom, where he spent the night and Enjoyed the beach, ( See pictures) and entertained his Grandma... Scott and I went the the day game of the Red Sox, and even though they lost, it was a very good time. We had fabulous seats, and I had Red Sox fans everywhere I looked , it was a good time, And Scott didnt say too much about the fact that the Sox lost, He was happy, but he didnt rub it in, and I didnt pout, lol. Best of All, the whole weekend went by without, ( are you ready for this) not one single fight between Scott and I ! thats all I will say about that.
Alec leaves for Moms WED AM, I can say, he will be missed by myself and Sam.... Alec and I have a special mother/ Son Bond, and I will really miss our late night talks.. ..

Saturday, July 22, 2006

OMG its HOT!

when we left Kent last night for the RED SOX game at 4:30 it was 106!! That is insane for us! The game was HOT , very HOT, but oh so good! The Red Sox had 5 Home runs! We were happy to see them all. Here is just one Many picutres that I took. My oldest and My youngest Sons... a picture says a thousand words, right?

I also got an autograph! The rookie pitcher, Lester, ( with a 5-0 record) was kind enough to sign my ticket, so that will go into the shrine that I have, ( yes, you read that right, a Red Sox Shrine) . I ran into Jakes friend and Family Craig, So that was fun, his mom, Kelly, said " of course I would see you at a RED SOX game"! LOL, of course she would.....
I have a great picture of Sam that needs some fixing with the lighting, and Another one that needs some red eye taken out, I will post them later, I need to get ready for the game today !

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Four Teenage boys had a Choice

My Mom gave Brett, Jake, And two of my Nephews a choice on where to go for a couple of days ( they are in Las Vegas at her house now, and she wanted to take them away for a couple of days) The Choice : The Grand Canyon, OR Laughlin. The boys Picked :

LAUGHLIN!!! Are you kidding me?? My sister and I could not believe that our sons picked a gambling town, over THE GRAND CANYON! We had wished that mom drove right to the Grand canyon and ignored what they boys wanted, knowing that once they were there, they would have loved it. But no, she did what they wanted . I think it may have had something to do with the drive, 1.5 hours, instead of 5 hours.. That I can understand.

Sam is really wanting to talk to his brothers these days, he doesnt say too much, but he is indeed enjoying the talks. This is a big weekend for him He has a few firsts happening :

Tomorrow is his First RED SOX GAME!!!!!! Scott calls it a "mariners game" I am calling it , and documenting it as : His first Red Sox Game. Where he will be wearing his David Ortiz Tshirt, an early birthday present. I cant wait to take pictures, and see him enjoy this game. Then on Saturday, Before Scott and I go to the SAT Red sox Game, We are dropping Sam off at Scotts mom, for his first sleepover at her house. She is taking him on a Ferry ride, and then to some local beaches. I do think he will love that day with her, and I think he will be fine to sleep over. How odd to be home and not have Sam home with us , what are we going to do Saturday night?

Monday, July 17, 2006

When you go to get your hair cut...

ok, When you go to get your haircut, and you bring a picture, the point is to style the hair as in the picture. She got the Cut right, but didnt do the style thing AT ALL, it would have taken her about 5 mins to run the straightening iron though it , and then she would have been finished, Instead, she styled it the way SHE wanted to, and that annoys me just a tad. And speaking of hair, I dislike very much having to try new products on said hair. Trying to find just the right combo that works just right for your hair/style is a complete pain in the ass, if I may be so blunt ( of course I may, its my blog, I can say what I want) . I dont think I have found just the right mixture of products, but I do feel as if I am getting closer to finding it.

Onto the big news of the day SAM TALKED TO HIS BROTHERS today on the phone! its about stinkin time! I asked him this am if he wanted to talk to them and he said sure, just so matter of fact like... " sure" . Well I called them , and wouldnt you know it, they were out! I then called a total of four different #'s trying to find them, but no such luck. Later we did get them at the house, and Sam did indeed talk to them. yeah... so glad we got that out of the way. I asked a friend today how can a 4 year old hold a grudge? the friend said " well it must be a son of yours" I guess that was a comment about me holding a grudge?, I dont think I do that, I must REALLY dislike you for me to do that...

I got all 12 cards done for the class! That was great to get them finished, I really didnt like having that hanging over my head, now I have two classes down ( Oct, And Nov) still have to do Decembers class, and then the second class for all the months is the same one, and we are only doing a couple of projects in that one... Now I am going to go so I can scrap for ME....

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sam at a birthday party

We went to a Birthday party today for my neighbor's Little one , Trevor. Sam had a blast, they rented a bouncy house thing, and at first sam didnt want to go in it, but the first moment it was empty , there he was, climbing in, he had a great time too, ( see picture), They had a pinata, and the boys squirted one another with water guns, a good time was had by all, and the best part was, he wasnt upset when we left, even though he could still see the bouncy thing from our yard, he is such a great kid . On another note, He still isnt talking to his brothers, I think he just forgets why he isnt talking to them at this point, really, how can a 4 year old still be mad after 10 days?
Other than that, not alot went on today, I worked on my cards a bit more, I have 6 finished, 6 more to go , so far I am very happy with how they are turning out, which is great, cause it would suck if I didnt like them!

Friday, July 14, 2006


So its friday, and still no Featured LO of the week from me... My whole point in featuring a Layout was to also feature the Artist, and I seem to like all the same peoples Layouts week after week! I also tried to Feature friends, Or people I know, Cause lets face it, what is the point of Featuring an Artist if they never know that they were featured? I think All Scrappers like to know that their work is admired by others, Isnt that why we post our layouts on Message boards and Tell our friends " Posted a new LO, come see"? I know that is why we do it!

I have been busy Scrapping, Working on Jakes Baseball album for 2006, and I want to finish that before I start Alec's or Even Sam's , Well Sams will be more like a Page or two, Since I didnt get to too many of Sam's games, And Alecs wont be quite an album either, I only have about 60 pictures from Alec,... yes, that may sound like alot to some, But I usually have over 300 to choose from for an ALBUM for Jake... I just got to more of Jake's games than Alecs. Jakes season was also from FEB to June, Alec's was May to July......

I have to have all my projects for my fall classes to Sharee ( the owner of the LSS) By the end of August. This is for all classes THRU December... I better get a move on with those !

Have a great day everyone!

PS, Sam still wont talk to his brothers, And We miss them lots!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A choice you make

Did you ever have a time in your life that you had to make a choice, that you knew it was a life altering choice, and no mater what choice you made , you felt like you would always wonder if you made the right choice? Or do you look back on a choice that you made, and it was life altering, but you just didnt know it at the time? I have been thinking about a choice that I made years ago, and wonder what would have happened if I took the right, instead of the left? How different would my life be right now, had I gone right? I think about what that life would have been like, and I wonder if I will ever be able to get back to it. Do you ever get the choice again? I can only hope so, and I try to look at it this way, I am only three lefts away from that right.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Random thoughts for Tuesday

Well, Sam is still not talking to his brothers, He asks for them, wanting to know if they are almost home, so they can play outside with him. but still no talking. again, how sad, he is just a sad sad little boy.

I have a friend who is having a tough time right now, now more than normal. She lost her son two years ago this Thursday, he was two years , three months old when he died. She is having a hard week and I hope knows that she is loved by many, and is in everyones thoughts. I have only known her 3 months but she is an amazingly strong woman, who has gone through something that no-one in their lifetime should have to go through, but has survived. Pleae keep her in your thoughts....

Ok, I will leave you with a thought , something that I have thought about alot lately....

We only have so much energy... so much to give. That is how I feel lately, and I wonder why we waste time and energy on things that dont need it, and why dont we know this at the time. why is it only AFTER we have wasted all this time and energy on things that dont matter , do we know it? This is really something that WE SHOULD KNOW that we are doing it, at the time that we are doing it... if that makes sense.... just a thought.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Conversation with Sam

Me: 'Sam your brothers are on the phone,they want to talk to you'

Sam: ' I just dont want to talk to my brothers'

Me: ' how come Sam? They want to talk to you'

Sam: ' I am just mad at them, I dont want to talk'

Me:' Why are you mad at them?'

Sam:' Cause they are not home, and I miss them'

AWWWW, how stinkin sad was that?? that was last night when I called the boys so Sam could talk to them, he wont talk to them cause he misses them! LOL.. ok, silly boy. I feel bad, he is a bit sader around here, kind of moves a bit slower since they have been gone... What is going to happen for that last week when Alec goes too??

I had a great time shopping with Cari on Friday! WE picked out 7 different Girly themes for her party, each girl is going to pick what they want to use to make their albums, Then when we got back to her house, Shelly thought it would be nice to get another set of things, just so the last girl doesnt feel like she got "stuck with" the last choice, which makes sense. But while I was at work that night, I got two more , instead of one more, but that was cause there was one that I really wanted them to do, but when Cari and I were shopping I couldnt find the paper, but I did find it later. I also enjoyed spending Shelly's money.

Here is a thank you card that I made for Jason from the Mariners, For when he took us all on the tour, He is such a nice guy, I thought he deserved a Mariners card!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Left on a jet plane

not me, Brett and Jake did early Thursday morning... Scott brought them to the Airport since it was on his way to work and it was so very early ( they left the house at 4:30 AM). I was up with them and we said our good byes, I always cry after they leave, I always think the worst and I cant sleep till they are safe on the ground with my mom. Once that happened, I slept Great!
I am taking My niece Cari shopping today for her birthday party, I am hosting a Scrapbook party for her and 6 of her friends on Monday! they will be making paper bag albums, so we are shopping for all the goodies today, I think I am as excited as Cari is!

So far so good, Sam that is, with his brothers leaving him. I made him a calendar and each night Sam puts a sticker on that day, and it says when they come home, so he knows he is one more day closer to seeing them again, he likes that alot!

Ok, Off to shop, I will post a LO of the week later, I took last week off, but I am starting it again today!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

OMG, ITS WED already?

where has the week gone,? Work one day , off, work one day, off, that has been my pattern since SAT...And to be honest, My off days have sucked. I have been fighting with Scott, on and off for days, and it hasnt been good. The bright side of all of the days was the fireworks, that Sam and I went to see with My neighbor Lynette and her family ( kids, Mom, DH) We went over to the School across the street where you can see PERFECTLY the Fireworks from Lake Meridian... Sam kept looking back at the ones his brothers were lighting off, but when the Lake ones started , there was no looking back for that kid! And he was so good too! No crying, not scared at all, He even looked at me at one point, held my hand, and said " Mommy, are you scared'? I told him no, and I asked him if he was, and he said no, But held my hand a little harder. He was so good! I have one picture of him and the boys watching some fireworks, and here that is.

So on the fighting front, lets see what we fought over the last few days, the Air conditioner, and his ability to fix it, ( must say, he did fix it) Sams playset, and how he wanted nothing to do with it, Getting it from my sisters, Putting it together , renting the truck to get it ( He again pulled thru and shocked me, put it together without a complaint, But MY GOD, getting it here and in the right spot in the yard cause A FEW fights right there,) And then he had Ice Cream One night, And if any of you remember , I dont do well when people eat ice cream around me, the noise of the spoon hitting the bowl makes me ill, I can feel it in my stomache, that is the only way to explain it,. But if I could, I would have thrown it across the room and felt MUCH BETTER. And then the fact that I went to watch the Fireworks across the street instead of in the driveway.. I am sorry, but watching My three sons and Scott blow up fireworks is not my idea of fun, may be theirs, but NOT MINE!

A girl I work with mentioned tonight that we seem to fight alot, I thought about that , and you know what, She doesnt even know the half of it.....

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Catching up

Sam is a little white, Dont ya think?

ITs been a few days, Today was so nice out, slightly on the warm side, ( 80's) but its been nice inside. We had a slight problem with the AC , ( sparks flying out, wires burning, ect) But Even though I didnt think he could do it, Scott seems to have fixed it. YES, I underestimated him on this one, but that is only cause the Sparks flying and wires burning, WAS indeed caused by his actions of 'fixing it'.

There are FOUR RED SOX going to the All star game! I was very happy to see that, But Sad that Jason Varitek didnt make it as catcher, I just love that man! Happy with the four this wonderful team has going! And their Four game lead in 1st place.

We are getting Sams play structure from my sisters in the AM. I cant wait for Sam to have it , and his little friends down the street can come play on it.

I scrubbed our deck today, simple green is great stuff! I had to do it in two different stages cause honestly, it was too hot to finish it earlier today. But it looks so much better, and now its ready for Scott to stain it again....

I took some pictures of Sam playing in his sprinkler today, and driving around in his car, I bought him a flag for the back of his car for the 4th, he liked it. See pictures .