living in my shoes

Friday, June 30, 2006

The concert I didnt go to, Here are a couple of pics

as you know, I passed on the Kenny Chesney concert, it wasnt working for me, and the $$ was too much to spend when It was going to be Alec and I going, But A girl from work went, And here are a couple of pictures she took, ( She gave me a disk with 77 pics on it, but I wont bore you with them all, here are just a few) .. I so Wish I went!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

SAFECO Field private Tour Today!

I took the boys , my sister, and Niece and Nephew today to Safeco for The tour I mentioned below, and it was Great! I got some great pictures, We saw the Club house, ( no pictures allowed) the boys (and girl) sat in the Dug out, in the Bull pen, in the Press box, Took pictures in the PRESS ROOM, in the Training room, in the owners Suite, ( that was nice) ... Here are a few pictures .

It was Very cool seeing all the things behind the scenes. This picture of the field is from the Owners Suite, What a view for all those games! I will post more pictures later.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


We have been breaking records all over WA STATE the past few days, its has been so damn stinkin hot!! today it was 90+ and you could tell! we have tried to stay cool in the house, we do have central air, but something is wrong with it, ( I think it just needs the coils cleaned, I know you are impressed that I know this, But Its true) so Scott can do that this weekend.
Tonight I came home from work and had one of those great late night chats with Alec, And Jake joined us too..( Brett was at his friends) We were laughing at silly stuff, and they were making fun of one another, in a good way.. We talked Baseball, and about when they were little and the things they remember ( some of it just amazes me). As I was sitting there talking with them I thought about how much I love times like this....
I havent blogged to much lately, but I have been busy with Scrap stuff, as you can see from the below layouts.. I am going to start on a new page of the week for the store tomorrow, I could do those at the store while I am working, but I just hate that I cant focus on it ....
I am taking the boys on WED to SAFECO field to tour the stadium, I have a friend that introduced me to the head of sercurity for the Mariners last year, and he is giving us a tour WED. I hear its very cool to get a look at it all, and I of course cant wait to take some pictures!
Here are some pictures from Sunday AM, We went over to Shellys to take her playset apart, she is giving it to Sam, we just have to transport it.. I took Alec and two of his friends over to help me out.. Pictures are above.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Challenge Layout

In real life its not as bright, But When I first scanned it, it was too light.. this was the best I could do. For you scrappers , I did the Following on this LO:
Challenge was to use these 3 products:
Basic Grey Paper Oh Baby Girl
Making Memories Stamp Set
1 Yard of White Sheer Ribbon

Prima Flowers Blue and Green
Silver Brads Painted WHITE with Making Memories White Paint from Challenge
Making Memories WHITE Heidi Rub ons
Bazzill cardstock ( forget exact color)

After turning Cari's picture into Black and white , I printed it out on White bazzill cardstock, to give it more of a canvas effect.
I framed her picture with With Prima flowers in Blue and Green in the letter "C" for her name.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

One more Baseball Layout

2 New Layouts from ME!

Thought I would show you what I have been up to today!

I love the one above, Title BASEBALL , ITs WHAT YOU DO....

Friday, June 23, 2006

New Featured Layout of the week From DarlaLULU !

This LO is from Darla, ( A retired member of the CKMB) and a member of our wonderful Monkey Board. She is famous for her her HOP ( Hour of powers) meaning you clean like crazy during that one hour, and nothing else... I dont think I have ever done one of those, lol. But She does them all the time! She is a wonderful scrapper and Friend, And I always look forward to seeing her Layouts! Thanks for a great one Darla!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

its Been a few days .....

So its been a few days since I posted. I have been sitting here with nothing to say, Shocking , I know, But true.
So first off, How do you like my new Banner? My BFF ( Come on ladies, you remember BFF from when you were a teenager , lol) Maegan, Made it. We found the photo, And she made the banner, and her Wonderful DH helped her insert it. I was trying for a while, but it just wasnt working for me, coming out way to small... blah blah.. Maegan was able to get it right, so YEAH MAEGAN!

And how about the 'Bitchy Buttons? ' those I just love, I stole them off of Cindys Blog , I just loved them, Cause honestly , they are me, I even have one of them on my Fridge, have for years..

Today is the last day of School. I should be more happy about that, but there is just one slight problem, I hate the never ending question coming out of the boys " what can we do today"?? Mostly it comes from Brett and Jake, Who seem to think I am the source of their entertainment all summer. Lets not forget that they go to Vegas for about 4 weeks in the summer, they still act this way before AND after they come back from Vegas. I am hoping this year will be different, I have planned a few days at the ocean when they come back, so hoping they will enjoy that , then its time to get ready for school... I feel for Sam though, He will not be a happy camper that Brett and Jake will be gone for so long, ( Alec just goes a week) .

Tomorrow AM I will be going to my Scrapbook Store and Scrapping from 10-3 then work from 3-9.. I am planning to get a big jump on Jakes baseball album, I got all the pictures printed over the weekend ( I am on top of it!) . Ok Have a great day everyone!

Monday, June 19, 2006

New Layout

Just did this LO of Alec at 17, It took me a bit to be sure I could get how I feel about him, out in just 17 thoughts , so to speak. He is a wonderful Son, and I am so proud of him and I love the relationship that we have . I am one proud mom, ( As if you couldnt tell)

Click picture for a better view and to be able to read the list.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Championship game... They Lost ..

First picture is after the game, ( They lost) but the got the medals for playing in the Championship game. ( Click on the pictures to get a better view) Second picture is of right before the Game, when the boys got the Trophies for Coming in First Place for the Season.

So they lost, (and it was a heartbreaker to lose), that they should have won ( they were winning going into the last inning, Just needed 3 outs, and instead gave up 4 runs.. we got one back in the bottom of the 7th, only to give up 3 more, ( could have been 4 by then I wasnt looking) and we got just one run... it was tough, but everyone could had done something different and it would have ended with a win... Jake had a great hit, with two on, ( one on first and Second) and the coach held the runner up at third, that would have been the winning run at the end of the 7th... The runner could have made it too. IT was just a tough game. But Jake was ok, he was happy with what the team did do, and it was a good year, he was the youngest boy on the team this year, and he handled himself very well. I am very proud of him and what a great kid he is.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Championship Game is Scheduled for SAT

at 10:00 AM. I have to be at work at 1pm, so lets hope everything is over with by then, ( I am thinking it should be) .
And Jake will have lots of people cheering him on, All his brothers are coming, Scott is coming, even Jeff and his wife( My ex) will be there! This will be a first for that.

Wish the team luck!

Featured Layout of the Week From SHAR Scrapendipity

Shar's Layout is her First Heritage LO. I believe it is a lo of her grandmother. She did a fabulous Job, as she always does, On this LO.
Shar is a very talented Scrapper, and a wonderful Friend. She is always there for you, and Always the first to comment on a LO, or answer a question for you ( on our MB) . We first met 3 years ago , and use to spend hours chatting into the early morning hours online ( Shar, Remember the deer in the headlights look?) LOL. IF you can call Shar your friend, you are a lucky person.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


due to field conditions, Crap! We think it will be FRIDAY, Dont know yet, still waiting to here.....

Championship Game is tonight!

Lets pray for no rain! Although, unless its pouring buckets , I am sure they will still be playing. Game Time : 6pm, I will post late tonight with all the details! Send good vibes to Kent WA , ( But only to the REDS, not the other team, lol)

And A HAPPY BIRTHDAY to My sister, Kelli!! Happy 38th!! ( man, we are getting old)

Monday, June 12, 2006

From Baseball players to A Concert in less than 45 mins!

Right before they left the Game for the
Band Concert .

After the Concert..

So tonight was the Playoff game , and the Band concert. The boys ( Jake and Craig) played two innings, and both had two at bats before having to leave a few minutes before 7 pm to go home and change for the concert, which started at 7:45. when I got home ( and Craig's mom too) I had to iron Jakes shirt, it was very wrinkled , so I did that while he was getting cleaned up and changed. We got to the concert in time, and found out the boys were winning 8-2 at that point, ( when we left the team was winning 5-1) . A third boy showed up from the team right around 8 pm, he was an 8th grader and played later than Jake and Craig, But he looked happy so we guessed ( Correctly) that they had won! They will play in the championship game on WED, the team they are playing is a tough one, They split four games with them over the season, so its anyone's game, it should be a good one.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Happy Sunday!

Today is Sunday, should be a day of rest.... Ok, well I did rest till 11 am ( shh, I didnt go to sleep till 3 am, working on a project) But now till Scott's Family gets here, it will be running running.... Right now I am drinking my coffee, and Doing this. I have already made one batch of Cupcakes, and will be making another batch in a minute. We are having Scotts Mom and Brother nephews over for a BBQ for Scotts Birthday( It was yesterday). Last night I took him to dinner, it was nice to get out, I guess Sam threw a fit and said he wanted to come have big people Food with us, Scott told him they dont have Yellow and White cheese on the menu, so he should just stay home with his brothers and eat pizza. ( Sam is on a Cheese Kick, but he needs to have one slice of Yellow, and one slice of White at the same time).

I got My new tires on Friday, and my car feels so much better! I really enjoy it now, I never knew what a difference they would make. I also went to Jo-anns and got some stuff.... Then over to Bath & Body Works to get body splashes, and wall flowers.. Also couldnt get out the door without picking up my favorite room sprays. All in all it was a good day.

Sat AM Jake and I left the house at 8:30 for his baseball game in Tacoma,... HE played first and hasnt done that pretty much all season, I love it though cause I can get better shots. So I of course, took a few pictures! Had to leave the game at 11 so I could get to work in time by 12. then work was good, kind of slow, With the graduations going on over the next two weekends, I am sure it will be slow, Next weekend even more so, All the local High schools Graduate on SAT.

I am gonna finish up the cupcakes, then vaccum.. I am hoping for some time to work on my project more! Have a great day!

Friday, June 09, 2006

This Week's Featured Layout is from: BABYBECKY from CKMB

I saw this LO in the gallery and just loved it, I loved the picture, I loved how she left "open space " something not all of us do , and I think we should, it gives us something to focus on and something to rest our eyes on. And Finally I loved that she used DOODLEBUG products! I love them, But Dont get to use them very often cause of the way I scrap ( I think they are very bright, and With the boys, I really dont use bright) .

One thing I remember about BABY BECKY is she and I were in LEGACY magazine in Fall 2004 together, and her LO and mine were just a page apart, so when ever I look at it, I always see hers too! I am not sure if she is still an active member at CKMB, I know that she moved from CA and lives in WA somewhere. Thanks Jennifer For a Great LO!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Jakes Team Clinched First Place Tonight!

I wasnt there to see it, But they had a double header tonight, Had to win both to clinch and they did it! I am so bummed I missed the celebration, But I will still see the playoffs and the awards ceramony when they receive their first place trophies! He was so excited when he came home, I was even home from work before he was home, and I was dying for him to come home. Very exciting night here in this house.

I was on my way to the game, ( Well , getting ready) when I got a phone call from the Scrapbook Store, wondering where I was?? Well I was getting ready for a baseball game, lol. I had read the schedule totally wrong, and didnt notice that I was working today at 3! I never work on WED, it was my one day off, but since I am not longer at Walmart, and they knew I wasnt there, they scheduled me and I just totally didnt even notice. I got there within 20 mins of the call, ( good thing I am so close) and I felt bad, But whatever, I didnt feel so bad when I heard that one of the TEACHERS missed her class last night!! OPPS!! at least I didnt have paying customers mad at me!

so thats about it, I will be heading over to get my new tires on FRIDAY , and also head to the Bath & Body works sale. I did have a friend pick me up some shower gels, but that was cause that SALE ended today ( At $3.00 a pop how could I miss out?) I will be looking for body splash and Wall flowers .....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I messed up !

OK, I will be the first to admit I screwed up, I was playing around with the options on the comments part of the BLOG and I must have done some things that I didnt mean to, ONE was a friend of mine was getting all comments sent to them! LOL, and the other was I made it so only certain people could leave a comment, And I didnt mean to do that. So hopefully all can leave comments if they wish :)

Moving on, Baseball last night was Great ( That is, if we're not talking about the RED SOX, cause they sucked big time to the Damn Yankees) Jakes game at 6pm started at 6:20, do to the game being played before. They started 6 runs down in the first two innings, ( this pitcher keeps doing this to us) So in the hole big time, and a battle back the whole game. Which they DID, they won, 14-6! Only have to win WED game and they clinch first place! I left Jake's game early so I could get to Alec's Game at 8pm down the hill. First time seeing Alec's team play this year, And they too had to battle back from being down, but they did it too, and they won 12-7, And Alec had a good solid hit too, so all were Happy, here is a picture of Alec and a few friend at the game.

These boys have no problem with me taking pictures, as you can tell. ok, No baseball tonight! just the Red Sox playing the Damn Yankees.....

Monday, June 05, 2006

Sunday's Post

So today was my first normal Sunday at home, No work, is what I mean. And it was very nice. I slept till 10:30 and woke up to Coffee ( Scott made it for me) and A sick Sam, He isnt too bad, he has a cold, but I just feel so bad hearing him sniffle and sneeze all day long. I asked him if he wasnt feeling good, and he said his Nose wasnt feeling good, But his body was fine, lol. I laid around and did not a whole lot for the first few hours, Then I worked on some Layouts for myself, And one for the Store for a PAGE OF THE WEEK, for July. I have had the idea in my head for a while, and it was nice to get it out on paper. I also practiced to "Doodle", Its the newest hottest thing in Scrapbooking ,and I may never fall in love with my handwritting, ( much to Heidi Swapps dismay) But I may start to like my doodles. Here is a sample :

I still have a long way to go, But I am enjoying my progress and I will continue to play with my doodling. ( that sounds obscene)

Anyway, I also made a Birthday Card for My Sister , Kelli, who will be 35+ on June 14th. And she in fact, will be getting a card that has been doodled on.

I cleaned up my scrap room today too, It seems to always be in need of cleaning, but it gets used alot too, so there ya go.

I shopped online for new tires for my car, And I think I found what I am looking for, so I will be taking my car this week for some new tires. I could think of a bunch of other things that I would love to spend that money on, but As my mother reminds me, I am driving her grandchildren around , therefore, I should have new tires... And Thank you mom, I will.

A busy week of Baseball, Two games tomorrow night, Jake at 6 , Alec at 8, Jake on WED ( a double header)and Jake on Friday, Then Jake Again on SAT, Along with Sam. Playoffs are next week starting the 12th for Jake, Which as much as we both hate it,Jake and two other boys from his team will have to leave the game after playing two innings to go to their Band Concert ( Jake plays the SAX) . IT will be tough on them all not to be there to see how the end of the game goes, But We will be in touch via Text messages, so We will know whats going on, That will be a site to see as well, Going from Baseball gear to all dressed up with A tie, in just a few short minutes, Yes, I will take pictures of the boys. lol

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Journaling reads:

The quest for the perfect bat. Did you know there were hundreds of different styles of Bats? They come in Different lengths and ounces. And the perfect combination is what every little leaguer needs. Jake found his perfect combination, ( 32 -3) now just had to find the perfect bat. So for his 13th Birthday the perfect bat was going to be his, We started looking for this bat a few weeks before said birthday, went to Big 5, GI Joes, and Score Sports, where he held, felt and swung many different bats, ranging in price from $149.00-$329.00. He thought he had settled in on the perfect bat, so we went home, where I told him to checkout online ( a great cheap place that I know of). So Jake did, and wouldn’t ya know it, he found what he absolutely wanted online! It is an EASTON BST3 CNT regular flex, Stealth Baseball bat. Or a STEALTH for short. This bat is normally $320.00 and it was on sale for the fabulously low price of $219.95. So this is the bat, the one that should last for a few years, ( until the next must have model comes around) The one that Jake should hit homeruns with! Time will tell if that is the case, But for now, he is one happy 13 year old, with a fabulous new baseball bat.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Featured Layout of the Week From Jules!!

This layout picture was printed on Canson's portrait paper and treated to set the ink. The gilding was done with Lyra watercolor crayons and Kryon pens.

This week's LO is from A good friend of Mine, Jules. She and I met a couple of years ago on the CKMB ( Before the Change) , then we had a chance to meet in person a couple of times, And I even helped her in one of her classes at the convention. She is a wonderful teacher, a talented Scrapper, and A great Friend. To learn more about her, Click on her Blog off to the right, she has a Creation Blog linked from there, As well as links to the stores she teaches at. I have the pleasure of being a part of a smaller MB with Jules, And other fabulous ladies , They are all the best!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

So I never did make it to Alec's game last night, Believe it or not, even though Jake is younger , His games last longer. And it rained... Jakes team was down 6-1 in the 3rd ( Jake had an RBI single, he's always good for those, lol) and came back to win 11-9, it was very exciting and This win put his team into first place, still have four games before the playoffs, so anything can happen, BUT it put the kids spirits high again. Speaking of kids and their attitudes while playing, Jake has one boy on his team that has the worst attitude I have seen in all my years in LL. I think mainly because, he is 14 years old, and acts like he is 4. When something doesnt go his way, he pouts. He was pulled from the game last week as pitcher ( he had given up several runs and was walking them in) and when the coach came out, he kicked the dirt and yelled out NO, and stood there telling the coach he wasnt going. last night, he threw his batting helmet cause his hit ball was caught, and he THREW it. And nothing gets done about it, and why?? Cause he is the coach's son. Gotta love the politics of Little League! I was glad I stayed for Jake's, even though it was raining the last hour of it, AND I got hit in the leg by a ball that some kids on the side were playing with, Now these boys had been missing the balls for some time, and almost hit a little dog, ( little dog was too stupid to move out of the way) so when The ball hit me, I just yelled at the kid " OK, You need to stop playing over here right now, First you almost hit the stupid little dog, and now you hit me" the boys said they were sorry and went away, My friend that I was standing with was cracking up, so of course I started laughing too... I think a few too many people heard me, But I was pissed. and these kids were not from our teams familys so I really didnt care.
After the game we all were home and Sam was even still up, so we watched DEAL OR NO DEAL, it was entertaining cause the contestant was very very animated , shall we say, and he gave us all a good laugh, And he came away with a good amount of money, so good for the guy with the Pink shirt! Alec enjoyed watching the girls, I had made a comment about how when one of the girls jumped up and down, her boobs didnt move, ( I was making the comment towards Scott, seeing if he noticed) he said he didnt, But Alec, Said " Yeah, I made note of that " with a big smile on his face... LOL. Gotta love Teenage Boys !