living in my shoes

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


that has been what I have been in search of these past few days, A Pre-school that has an AM opening for Fall ( yes, next week) for Sam. isnt an easy task to say the least, Because most people, ( the smart ones who are not wondering if their child should go to pre-school) do this in the SPRING.. But no, not me, The truth be told that I didnt want to send Sam to pre-school, I was perfectly content to keep him home with me, This is after all, the last year that I have him home with me, And I am PERFECTLY aware of how fast time flies ( perfect example is Alec, Who will enter the 12th grade on TUESDAY, 12th GRADE... I honestly remember HIS first day of Kindergarten like it was yesterday, I remember what he was wearing, I remember how we walked him to school Me pushing Brett and Jake in the double stroller, Alec walking beside us, And how excited Alec was when we entered his room to find that his little desk was in the same group as Kaitlyns, the only person he met at the 'meet the teacher' thing a few days before. Alec and Kaitlyn remained the best of friends for two years, till we moved to WA.) Anyway, getting off track here, TIME FLIES TOO FAST!!!!! I dont want another child going off to school, Pre-K or not!!! But Scott INSISTED that Sam had to go.. so off he will go, and I will cry and cry I am sure. But I must be honest, I will be crying all year with Alec graduating, Dont even get me going on that one!
Why must they grow up?

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Tshirt says it all

Sam this weekend with His grandma at the hotel that he left his blankie at.

Long time no BLOG

I have been busy.. Busy doing stuff... Thats my story and I am sticking to it!

Big story around here, Sam went away for the weekend with his grandma, She took him to the zoo, and the played in the fountains, and they stayed at a hotel in Tacoma, where they played some more. Sam arrived home today minus his favorite Blankie... NOT GOOD, And this blankie, by the way, use to be Jakes favorite Blankie, and when I gave it to Sam when he was 6 months old, he instantly became attached to it. He finds it in the dark just by touch.. ( maybe smell?) it was a Gymboree baseball blanket from 1997! there is no way you can find another one.. So what does Mommy Do? I first call the 800 # for the hotels, cause I dont know WHICH Sheraton she stayed at in Tacoma, they were very helpful, and told me which one it was, where I was then directed to lost and found.. back to the front desk I went when she couldnt locate My Mother-in-laws room.. Front desk told me what room it was, so Back to the lost and found lady I went to. They said they would search the room, and call me back....... Phone rings... I'm sorry, I cant locate the dirty old blanket... Maybe it got sent down the laundry shoot and it will show up in the laundry, if that happens they will call me back.... Hour later , they called! It was in the laundry shoot , her description of it " its kind of yellow with blue baseball caps and baseballs on it, looks like a baby blanket with some holes in it?" Yeah lady, that is the Must have, cant sleep without it, gone through two sons, smelly blanket, that I now will drive to Tacoma to pick up so sam can sleep. Thank GOD she found it!!

Again, we wont talk RED SOX,, they were just in town.. had tickets to all games... they lost ALL Games... thats all I am saying about that.

I am trying to start a Scrap blog, showing all my projects for classes, But that will wait till all projects are finished, and I have time to take the pictures and load them, But I have been working on getting the projects finished first!

Monday, August 21, 2006

the reason for my bad mood ...

I am in a bad mood.... I have been since Friday, And I know why I am in this bad mood.. Its the Red Sox. They just lost 5 in a ROW in Boston, To the Skankees.... 5 In a ROW!! What the ??? this is crazy, it was heartbreaking for any Red Sox Fan... Alec came in tonight and said " we will not even talk about baseball".. No Alec, we will not... So There ya go, the reason why I have been in such a bad mood since Friday AM....

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Flip Flop Family

Last night when I got home and told Scott about my shitty day, he asked me what he could do to make it better, I didnt have an answer, so nothing. Well This morning I woke up to Breakfast, Coffee and He had emptied the dishwasher... I dont know if that was what he was doing to try to make things better for me, But it was a good way to start my day.
I finally got together with my sisters around 6 ish tonight, Shelly's DH Norm, took us to dinner, It was nice, Kelli wasnt very talkative, Shelly was thinking of all the many things she had to do before they leave tomorrow on their trip, But I just enjoyed being out . After that we went back to her house where Norm the bartender made me a couple of cosmos... We then took this fabulous picture , ( story on the picture, I have been looking at this Jolee's thing in my store for a couple of months, It is this adorable title, with flip flops, saying Flip flop Family.. I have been dying to use it, but I dont have a " flip flop family " in my house, so I got my sisters, Shelly, Kelli, Carrie and Myslef to take this picture, Kelli and Shelly thought it was crazy, ( although one of them did admit it was cute) and Carrie of course enjoyed it... So here is the picture that I had to have.

on to what my night has been like alone... well it has been quiet that is for sure... I took Shellys Dog tonight with me cause I needed some company ( he is staying with me while she is gone ) . I must say, I am not an alone person, I like being alone.. but not in this big house . Nope, Not a fan.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Ok, For the past 5 years, I have had two last names, I have Been Tami Jones with the IRS ( actually I have been Tami Jones with the IRS since 1987, minor detail) And Tami Shumate with everything else, ( checking account, DMV, things like that). So today I go to deposit my check with my bank, The VERY SAME bank that I have had for 10 years, And Oh, excuse me, They wont take my Check cause its made out to TAMI JONES.... I went OFF on them Asking them where the hell are their Higher standards of Banking that they speak so loudly of( bank of America, that is there logo) the Bitch told me , THIS WAS their higher standard of banking, She then told me she didnt like my tone of voice, and I then Asked her if anyone has ever told her she was a bitch? ( Not cool, I know, But I was livid) I then left and told the bitch that I would go to another branch that would happily take my money, she told me she didnt think so.. But I did...and the other bank took it, No problem. But now I am pretty sure there is a flag on my account ( I am sure the bitch wrote it down) to not take Any checks with Tami Jones... So its time to change my name BACK to Tami Jones. Why , you ask? Because, I have been her since 1987, and I like it, its easy, I dont have to spell it for anyone, and I have three sons with that name. Scott on the other hand doesnt think its so cool.. I said I would make it JONES-SHUMATE.... to make him happy to cover ALL of my sons, Scott doesnt like it. I just about dont care... I will be heading to the DMV this week for a New licsence with the name JONES-Shumate...
That was just the start of my not so great day... I love my sisters, but it seems that we cant all just hang out, See, whenever Kelli comes here, She stays with Shelly, Never with me.. so there I always am, going to Shellys , and hanging out with them.. but I always feel left out, like I am missing out on the good stuff when I am not around, and when I am there, Well I feel ignorned really. I asked Kelli to stay here Sat night since I am going to have the house to myself, and Shelly didnt think that she needed to... Whatever I said to that, no biggie, But I took half of SAT off to hang out with them and then today I was told that they may be in Seattle ..... ok, So why did I take half the day off ? Why did I bother? cause when I said I didnt get off till 6 , I was told that was late... ok, so Now I am to call in the AM and find out if they will be home, and not go to seattle ( in shellys defense, she doesnt want to go, they got some free tickets to a movie for the kids and the kids want to go, ) I am so upset by this all that all I want to do is go home at 2 ( early) and be alone.... I hate when I feel like I am on the outside looking in when it comes to this sister realationship that we all have.... I am fine, one on one, as I think they are too.. and maybe I am the only one feeling this way, In fact, I know I am the only feeling this way. ok, I am done bitching....

Thursday, August 17, 2006

What's a Girl to do?

Ok, so, can I tell you how excited I am about Saturday? I will be home alone.. ALONE, for the entire night, Till Sunday noonish! Can you believe it? I am not sure WHAT I will do , But I am thinking about Scrapping, ( of course) and cleaning my scrap room... sleeping sounds good too, I am just not sure. My sis Kelli arrived today from Vegas, so I will be going over to Shellys to hang out with them, but I figure by 8 pm, here I will be, in this big house all alone.... whats a girl to do?

So Sam has been such a crack up lately.. tonight I was told that he was caught " getting rid of the dead roses", But the bad thing was, He cut all the Good roses ... yup, just snipped them off.. Scott found him with the prunners in hand.... Sam's reaction?? " Dad, I am really really sorry" ..... They were my peach roses too, he could have at least cut the red ones.

Sam also was yelling at his brothers yesterday.. it seems they were sitting on his friends.. Goodness, They should have seem them before they sat down.

On another note, I love Big and Carrie... the couple on Sex and the City... their relationship is so ..... real, so me.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Sam's 4th Birthday Party!

This was During the Pinata, and after , they boys with all their goodies. It was a pull apart pinata, so they all just had to pull Hard, and all at once, They thought it was very cool. Sam had a good day, Played baseball with his Friends, It got a bit on the warm side in the sun, so we found shade under the big tree in the front, once we were there, we didnt go back, lol. I have to admit it, I am not a fan of parties at my house, The pressure of doing it right, making sure it all goes well, cleaning the darn place, ( that is my most hated part), I dont like it, period. But I better, cause in 10 months ( not like I am counting) I will be having Alecs Graduation party in the Same yard... I am already stressing over that!

I have my first offical TEACHERS Meeting at the Store tomorrow, I am so excited! I cant wait to get this going and start teaching, One of the gals there that teaches( and I know this happens with them all) Has a following, the same people always take her classes, with a few new ones thrown into the mix. I am hoping that happens to me, and that they are not Just all my friends! LOL, Several ladies, ( customers) are interested in my classes, ask all the time when they can sign up, so I am hoping that I have been there long enough, that the gals know me, and want to take my classes, Right now its Three a month, The first three tuesdays of the month. if the dont fill, then you cancel, so I am hoping for TWO a month in reality....

Ok, Off for the night, Lynette, remind me to send you pictures of your boys from the party!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I have neglected my blog since WED, I have neglected much in my life since WED. My sister called me late that night to tell me that my nephew, Scottys Check- up revealed that he is Diabetic. Her intial thoughts were shock, and had no clue what was coming next, Scotty had a baseball game that night, They figured they could go play , and then meet with the Doctors the next day, Yeah, Not so much, He was sent to Childrens Hospital in Seattle, where he then spent the next three days learning how to deal with his new life.( you should have seen all the books that they were sent home with, not to mention the needles, test strips, medicine, ect) He will be insulin Dependent for the rest of his life. But I must say , he is doing well with it all, for now. I was there last night at the house for his homecoming, and he handled the whole thing well, Checking his levels before he ate, Then giving himself the insulin after the fact, His friends wanted to watch, and Shelly and I both thought that was important that they did, that they knew Scotty was the Same Scotty that they always knew , ( these kids are 12, so common sense doesnt come naturally to them)they all went out to play after he did it, and they thought it was pretty cool too. We are going over today, Sam wants to give Scotty a band-aid, thinking that will make him feel better. ( how sweet is that?)
So today I will also be cleaning the house, Sam is having his Birthday Party tomorrow, with 5 little friends, How fun , I will take lots of pictures of course.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Home From Camping, And its Sam's birthday!

Sam is FOUR!!! how insane is that ?? here is a pic of today..

the best reaction that he did was when he opened a baseball pitching machine thing, and he said , and I quote " Now THATS A PRESENT!" LOL, we all got a good laugh from that one.

So Camping.... we went camping, and all went well, the boys had a good time, the older boys floated down the river a couple of times, Alec found a stick almost the second we got there, And he carved it the whole time, Kept him busy for sure, But he did wish his knive had a comfort grip on it, lol. Sam threw rocks in to the river the whole time, and two ladies next to us wanted to keep him, thought he was the cuteset thing ever... and I must agree. We played games, and had fun... Family togetherness, it was nice to see them away from the PS2 for a few days! Here are some pictures of that:

so as it was nice to be together, I am so glad its over... there is only so much togetherness I can take...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bagel Dave has died...

for those of you who dont know, its Sam's imaginary friend, And it seems he is Dead. Here is the way the conversation went:

Me : Sam, where is Bagel Dave?
Sam: HE's dead, I sat on him.
Me: Why did you do that?
Sam: Cause my brothers are home, so I just did.
then he walked away...

A few minutes later, I called Sam over and said:
Sam, Bagel dave doesnt have to go away just cause your brothers are home, he can still be your friend.
Sam: I just dont need him anymore, I am done with him, I have my brothers.

This Kid is FOUR ( well, will be on WED) and he is so stinkin Smart!! He made up his friend just cause his brothers were in Vegas , and he was loney. Which is sad.. but he was thinking smart, I'll just make up someone till my brothers come home and then I will sit on him and make him go away!! LOL...
I did ask about the tiny men having a war under my couch, and he informed me that they are ALL OVER the place, not just under the couch.. Lovely.. I hope they dont make too much of a mess.

Ohh I gotta bitch here, My poor red Sox, Just one injury after another, they need heathly pitchers so badly, They just cant win with all these rookies they got pitching for them, .. its making me sad.

Ok, we are off to camping for a couple of nights, Dont miss me too much!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

All boys safe and sound

but the fighting UGH.. I DIDNT miss that one AT ALL! Even Sam is whinning and complaining more.. Its amazing what a difference it all is when you throw a few more brothers into the mix.

Sam still has his Friends , it was nice to see that he didnt dump them since his brothers came home, And yes, There is still a war going on under my couch, they are now using a fire truck and fighting on that.. god only knows what else Sam has put under there to "help them fight the war"...

Brett has been in a mood since he has been home, I sense it has something to do with the fact that he never went to sleep while he was there , before 3 am!! hello?? we dont do that in our house, I may do that, But the boys may not!! So he is now going to bed no later than 11:30 and will wake up around 8 am, considering in less than one month he will have to wake up at 5 AM for the Rifle team for ROTC. .....

Jake had his first day of conditioning for Football this am, I hate this.. I have to get up at 7:30 and drive him to school, and then pick him up, that is just way to very early for me! But its all worth it... I just keep telling myself that....

We are getting ready for our camping trip coming up on Sunday, two nights of togetherness, do you think I can handle it?? I hope so!