living in my shoes

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


SO last night at work, MY last night at work, went so very slow.... I didnt want to be there, and was only there cause I wanted to end things on good terms, But Oh my, how slow could it go? I wandered all around the store too, Stood out in the Sun in Garden Center for a while, lol. It was long, but its O V E R !!
When I got home I watched RESCUE ME. I was wondering if it would pick up speed, I must have missed something last season, Cause I didnt know one of the guys was dating another guys sister.... I forgot Tommy's Son died last season too, that was sad. But the worst is that Tommys BROTHER is sleeping with Tommys soon to be ex wife! What a jerk, I never liked the brother anyway..
I also read through a new Scrap mag last night, I was there yesterday when it arrived! new issue of Simple Scrapbooks, So I curled up with that last night. I came across something that I cant wait to talk with Susan about it, see if she can get me some info. I will tell you more about it later.

I need to clone myself, At least for tonight anways. Jake and ALEC both have games, Same time, different ends of Town. Jake's game is vital to the standings, Alec's games, just started. His first actually. But I want to see both, I am going to start off at Jake's game, depending on how its going, will make up my mind if I leave to go see Alec. I will see a Game of Alec's next week, so I know I will see him them. Anway, I want to see both, and wish I could be in two places at once...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Whats the one thing that makes you smile?

Is there one thing out there that makes you smile. Not just Smile, like you would at a stranger walking down the street, But Really truly, From your Heart, Smile. ? I have one of those things, and when I get to experience it, it makes my day. Enough so that I even think, " I could go all week on this high" And that's what it is, its a sort of high, except no drugs are needed. I hope everyone has that sort of high in life, because its so good to feel this way...

OK, Moving on, Today is my last day at Walmart! How exciting is this? and in just two weeks, I will start my Full time hours at The Scrapbook Store! ( next week I will get to watch a couple of Games, played by various sons of mine). This is such the perfect job for me, I absolutely love it, and I am so glad that I am there.

This morning I have to go drop off jakes SAX, then drop off a LO at the store, Sam loves going to the Store cause we sell these suckers that come in all flavors and colors, and he always gets himself one. He always picks the same one and I think that's cause he can reach it, LOL, maybe today I can get him to try a different one. I always make him pay for it too, Susan ( one of the owners) says I don't have to pay for it, they are free to us and our children, But, I dont want him to think he can just go into a store and take something without paying for it, so I just have him pay for it, And he loves that, He holds his money in his little hand, and gladly gives it up in exchange for the Sucker.

I am hating that its summer already, meaning, my TV shows are all re-runs.. the good one of the Summer is starting tonight I believe, RESCUE ME , on FX , I LOVE That show. The only problem is, they dont play enough of them! but its the highlight of my summer Television Viewing. Check it out if you havent seen it, but be aware, viewer discression is Advised, due to nudity and violence, and adult content.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I have A 17 year old

As of 8:25 This am I have a 17 year old son. When I tell people the ages of my boys they all have the same reaction " You are not old enough to have a 17 year old" . And I always say the same " I really am, I had him when I was 19". Not only was I 19, ( which is young) I had been married to Jeff for two years when Alec had been born. But When you see us together, I dont think your first reaction is ' mother, son'. I think he looks older than he is, and I ( yes, I know, sounding Conceeded) Dont look old enough to have him. But I do, and I am, and The only time I cried today was when I wrote him his card, and told him how proud I am of him, and I much I ENJOY him. His company is wonderful, and I love every moment that we spend together. This is one of those Mother/ Son Relationships that Everyone would love to have, And I am lucky enough to have it!

the picture of Alec and I Jake took this am, the other picture is a picture of Alec and his baloons that his 'girlfriends ' bought him. He was proud to show them off, My favorite is the Disney Princess one!

Wedding LO for LSS

I just did this Layout for my Scrapbook store, We just got in the new line of EK success wedding , there is a ton of stuff all with wonderful detail, I chose the first dance, Another gal I work with is making an invitation, someone a Bridal shower invite, ect....

Saturday, May 27, 2006

A Great Day!

WHAT a fun day I had! It may have rained all stinkin day here in Seattle, but I had a blast at work, With last night counting too. There was a moonlighter last night FILLED with Gals from TWO PEAS, as I was looking at their names before they arrived I saw a 'Pamela" and wondered if it was the PAM I knew from there ( we had gotten together to scrap a couple of time two years ago) And Wouldnt ya know it, it was! IT was so great to see her, and her reaction to seeing me working in the last place she expected to see me, was priceless! Another gal that we scrapped with that was there was Dora, And how fun to see her too! And the gals that were there were a blast, I even stayed after I had clocked out to chat some more. But I also had a good night at work cause one of the owners and I talked about me doing some projects! YEAH! I am going to do a " page of the week" in July, ( which I have been dying to do, Crystal does two and Susan does two , And Susan is wanting to give hers up, So I will be doing 1 a month, and another gal, doing the other) And ALSO talked about me TEACHING A class in the fall!! How totally awesome is that one? I am also making a LO for the display using the new EK SUCCESS WEDDING line, and I also pitched an idea for us doing at the store , " Three Products, 5 Scrapbookers" and the girls that work there will be doing the pages, I get to pick the products that we use, and it will all be on display!
Today I saw a favorite person of mine, I looked up from the counter and there they stood, MADE MY DAY, no MADE MY WEEK ! nothing is better than seeing an old friend!

Alec has his birthday tomorrow... 17!! I am freaking out a bit, but will leave tomorrows post for that..

Friday, May 26, 2006

Featured Layout of the Week From Cynthia RNJETTA

I first saw this Layout a couple of months ago, on Cynthia's BLOG, And I saved it to file right away, I fell in love with the way she used the flowers and all the different pattern papers. Cynthia is one talented yound lady! We met on CKMB a few years ago ( I am thinking 2.5-3 years) I always recognize her layouts when they are published, or at least, I recognize her Doggie, when he is the subject! She resides in Las Vegas with her Wonderful Husband,where she is a nurse.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Rain Rain Go away

So were you as dissapointed with Lost as I was? I didnt think it was any huge season Ending show... Sure, Desmond showed up and we learned about him, ( who I like by the way) And we learned why that map was on the wall.. and we learned why the plane crashed, and Michael got stupid Walt back ( I dont care about this at all, not after Michael killed two people, he does not get my sympathy) so I hope that is the last we see of those two. I could also care less that Charlie and Claire Kissed again. I am sure John and Eko are still alive, they just wouldnt kill them both. The fact that Henry was in charge over there with the others was a shock, that whimpy little dude? What I think will happen is Sayid will rescue the three of them, and they will go back to their camp. And will they tell everyone about what Michael did? I wonder.... I did think the whole, " I think we found it" phone call at the end was interesting. And they dont have to push the button anymore, now do they?

Onto other things.. RAIN RAIN GO AWAY.... it wont stop!! Jake has had two games cancelled this week, and Alec had one too. I hate it, cause I dont get to see all the games, and when they make them up, I most likely dont see them. We also have an issue with his first Playoff game, its the same night as his spring concert ( he plays the sax) , its not just him, two other boys that are in the band, are also on his team, So there we have three boys that need to be in two places at once. So I tell Jake, well, you play baseball, and miss the concert. The Team cant play if they are missing all these kids and its a playoff game, so they have to play. Band teacher isnt too happy says Jake. I will have to give MR Band Teacher a call and have a chat with him.....

And the Red Sox lost two to the Damn Yankees at Fenway, which just kills me.. Scott said something stupid like, " its only May , chill out" well that didnt go over well with me, EVERY GAME between these two teams counts, that was proven last year when they fought over First place up till the second to last game.... so Scott, it doesnt matter if its only MAY... Its never ONLY anything when it comes to the Red Sox and the Yankees...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

This DAMN Kenny Chesney Concert

Ok This Damn Kenny Chesney Concert has become nothing but a pain in the ass. FIRST, Carrie , who I was going with, Tells me she cant go, due to having to leave for her family vacation the next day, ( and she lives near Portland) And there was no way she could get back to Portland in time , and all the different flights she tried were not going to work, So She is just bagging the concert. So then I was left with Trying to find someone to go with, Well, almost everyone That I know that Likes Him, Is ALREADY going, or cant go, for whatever Reason, ) Maegan cant go cause its Zoe's Birthday weekend and they will be in Spokane). Alec did say he would go with me if I needed him too, Which is nice of him. So I asked my Friend Sharon, And she was Thrilled, and we were so excited about going and we were going to have so much fun... then Just this AM she realized it is the Same day as her little Girls Dance Recital !!! DAMN IT!!! what is with this damn concert and finding someone to go with me? And its not Just Kenny, ( who just won entertainer of the year last night) Its Dierks Bentley , Big and Rich, Gretchen Wilson, AND Blain Larson. ITs going to be HUGE HUGE HUGE. And I wanna go!!!! Damn it Sharon, why do you have to go to Erins Recital?? LOL ( kidding, I know you have to go) So I am Back to Alec going with me, Which isnt a bad thing, I know we will have a great time going, but Someone who could drink with me would have been good too. Why is something that should have been so great , become such a complication?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tuesday Blues...

I am ready for bed, and its only 1 pm... I had a Female DR apt, and I just feel yucky, It was a little more intense than the average apt, So I am feeling the effects, they had to take a sample of the tissue around my cervix, I know, More info than you needed, but that is all I am giving, Except that he said it all looked good, so that was great! He also said no S E X for 5 days, yeah, that will be hard to do, lol....
Ok, Desperat Housewives time... What is up with the guy who ran down Mike? At first I thought he would be a great Guy for Bree, but yeah, now not so sure... and why does she always get the weirdos? I dont like this woman that Lynette has to deal with now, she is totally up to something, and you just know it. She is going to turn crazy on them all, just wait and see. I hope Mike is ok, That is the only thing that I was yelling at the TV about. The shooting of Caleb, well he deserved it, so that is that. Poor Gabby, that is wrong what Carlos did, yeah, she cheated on him, but This jerk is sleeping with the woman who is having THEIR baby!! What scum, and I do hope Gabby makes that little tramp's life miserable while she is pregnant. And will Susan ever be happy?? Over all it was a good show, makes you want to see what happens next!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Weekend Update

I feel bad, I havent blogged since Friday before work, Friday nights I usually hang out with Scott when I get home , ( as long as he is still awake) and we watch CSI from Thursday night,( gotta love that DVR) so that is what I did after work Friday night, I know, very exciting, dont get jealous of my life now, ok?
Saturday was Sams game in the morning, and I didnt make it there, I had to work at noon, but I just didnt get out of the house in time for it. So then off to work I went, Jake had his game at a very odd time, 1 pm, so there was no way of seeing that one. His Dad ( Jeff) was picking him up after the game, so I suggested that he actually go to the game and watch his son play ( he has never, in all the years we have been divorced, seen any of his sons play anything) , we wont go into detail over what he said to that, but he did say he would go. I guess he showed up over an hour late ( Jake told me at 2:15, so you know Jake had been waiting for him). I asked Jake if he saw him at bat at all, and Jake said once, And Jake did play catcher for 5 innings so, I am sure he saw some of that too. It just makes me sad that Jeff couldnt have been on time, for a man that is always on time when he picks them up and drops them off, why wasnt he on time today? Anway, Jakes team won, the next two games are being played against that team that they cant beat, Monday AND WED, I cant see Mondays game, and Will be there on WED, I do hope they take one from them, it will keep them tied in the standings if they do.
Scott went to bed early last night ( around 11ish) I had already sat down to Scrap pictures from mothers day ( I know, isnt that great?, not 2005 pictures, these are from last week!) I didnt finish with the layout at all, although I did quit around 1:30. I had been chatting online with a friend, and watching Kenny Chesney on CMT, and I had just had it, my brain hurt, I didnt have the right font to use, so I was done for the night. I will finish it tomorrow I hope, Tonight when I get home I will be watching the Season Finale of DESPERATE HOUSEWIFES, so that will keep me busy till around 1 am. Ok, Off to hang out with Sam for a while, then off to work.

Friday, May 19, 2006

New Featured Layout of the Week, By Pam (4peasinourpod)

When I first saw this layout from Pam, I just fell in love with it! She did a great job using the different pattern papers, The way she stitched them together is just wonderful! she Also used many different elements and the way she used them, didnt take away from the adorable picture at all, I just love it!

10 sounds I love

A challenge from the monkey boards:

1. The boys laughing
2.Kenny Chesney song < Something sexy about the rain. ( I could listen to that all night and never get sick of it)
3.The sounds of the beach, all the sounds, the ocean, the seaguls, the distant chatter of other people enjoying their day
4. going into the Nook and hearing Crystal say 'you have got the see the new stuff we have'
5.Kids playing on the playground
6.the silence in the house when Sam is napping and the boys are at school
7.the sound of the coffee pot when its letting me know the coffee is making
8.Listening to a baseball game on the radio
9.the crack of the bat when the ball hits it
10.hearing the words I love you

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I LOVE my job

I love my Job. Doesnt that sounds nice, I LOVE MY JOB.. of course I am talking about the Scrapbook nook ( or as I refer to it, as "the Nook"). Scott was asking me last night where I work tonight, I told him the Nook, so he said 'great, you'll be home by 9:30'? and I said no, not tonight, typically on Thursday nights we dont get out of there right away, we either have a class or some girls that stay right up till 9 to scrap, then they check out and we have to clean and stuff. Friday nights I can get out of there by 9:20. So I told himI most likely wont leave till around 10. And after I said it , I thought , but that is ok, Cause I love my job!
I have to come up with an idea to decorate the hutch at the store, its a monthly theme, keeping with what is going on that month, ( June will be Father's day and Graduation) but need to keep the costs down ( we are able to go to the party store and buy small things if needed) and also come up with a brilliant idea... I am already thinking ahead for July, of Course the 4th of July, but then I want to just be able to easily roll it over into summer and leave it that way till Back to school. So if any of you creative ladies that I know have any ideas, I am all open! I will take a picture of the hutch tonight and post it so everyone knows what I am talking about.
Ok, Sam now thinks we need to be outside playing with the sprinkler, I told him mommy is still drinking her coffee and 'blogging' he looked at me like what does that mean? I tend to sit here, drink my coffee and go from one blog to another read all my friends blogs, leave my comments , then go to the monkey board, that is my routine in the morning, This is of Couse AFTER I get sam his waffles and Juice. Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

They didnt let me down...

Tough Game tonight for Jake and his team. They have the hardest time beating this team, They were down 2-0 till the top of the 6th, then they scored three, bottom of the 6th , the other team scored 2( making it 4-3, other team) top of the 7th we score 4, leading 7-4 going into the bottom of the 7th,( only 7 innings in the game). even after a pitching change, we lost, giving up 4 runs... It was tough, Our pitcher should have been pulled sooner than he was, and the next one that went in, didnt have his game on tonight at all. It was pretty crappy all around, and the boys took it hard... Jake not so much, he knows you win some and lose some, but he was really wanting to win one off this team. We are still in 1st place ,with this team right behind us, Playoffs start on the 9th.
So today was a beautiful day , Sam and I played outside from 11:30 to 2:30, he played with his new sprinkler all day, he loves it, cause it shoots balls up.. as I was watching him play I wondered how long it would take before the other boys were hitting the balls that were shooting up out of the top. Well, Not long, Brett came home, and then Jake, and I went inside, I went out a bit later, and they were all soaked, And you guessed it, Hitting the balls when they would shot out the top, it was so typical of them, so predictable, And I loved that they didnt let me down.

Sometimes I love change

other times, I dont, But Tonight I change the furniture around in the living room, first time in about oh, three plus years! And I love it, I have opened up the space from the living room into my scrap room, for years I have had it blocked off so Sam cant come in, and then blocked of from the kitchen entrance too. but we havent used gates in many many months , And Sam Has been very good the last two months by not getting into my stuff, So it was time. did I say I love it?? I use to do this sort of thing all the time when I was married to Jeff, but not so much anymore, I have had my bed in the same place for almost 5 years! that is just insane when I think about it..
Anyway, It was a long night at work, and it was hot, ( hot for us) I didnt want to do too much , but yet, for some strange reason, had to. But as I was leaving tonight I realized I only have 5 more work days there and then I am done! ( I am staying till the 30th, but dont have to work on the 28th, Alec's birthday). So it all worked out and I cant wait to be done!
I bought Sam a sprinkler tonight, it should be another warm day tomorrow and I am off and wanted to be able to spend it outside and yet still give Sam an option to cool down if he wanted to, He is not a fan of the pool, so I am not sure how he will be, but its been almost a whole year since last time we tried, so who knows? I will be sure to post some pictures if he likes it!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

Just a quick post here tonight, I just finished watching Greys Anatomy, OMG, I cant wait to see what happens, the whole scene with Derek and Merridith was so great to watch, it seemed so real, so very caught up in the moment and the feelings, and the after scene was very real too, He just wanted to know what that meant, and she just wanted to be sure she wasnt leaving her panties behind! LOL... He NEEDED to know what that meant, and she didnt have an answer.... How sad though, the rest of the show, glad I was alone, I hate crying in front of Scott or the boys when watching TV, they just dont get it.
IT was a beautiful day here, got a bit on the warm side, but we managed to deal with it, Sam and I played outside for a while, he is just so fun to watch, he hits the ball off the "T" then goes and gets it, then does it again, sometimes he runs the bases, sometimes he doesnt, he makes sure to touch every base, he is very cute when doing it, A must see for all.
My last day at WM is going to be MAY 30th, YEAH, I cant wait! I start picking up the extra hours At the Nook the very next week, so that will all work out well. Ok Off to do some laundry of Alec's and my own, then off to bed.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mothers Day Picture

just wanted to post this picture I just took of the boys. Happy Mothers Day everyone!

Saturday was fun, I went to Sam's Tball game, started at 9am, I saw two out of the three innings, then left to go To Jakes Game , which stated at 10am. I did get a couple of shots of Sam , so that was good, and I will get to his game next SAT too. On to Jake's Game, they killed these poor kids from Bonney Lake, they called it in 5 innings ( his games are 7 inning games) cause Jakes team was winning 24-3. HE had Two RBI singles and scored twice him self, and struck out once, And He made an AWESOME diving catch, I love those, IT just makes you wish you always had that camera ready to go. And I dont always, I try to get the hitting shots, and some postition shots, and running the bases, But you just never know..
Then I worked from 12 -6:30 then we had a Staff meeting ( all 7 of us,lol) till 8:45, THEN I stayed to make some cards,then went to pick up Alec, it was a long day.
Today is mothers day, I just got a card from the boys, some Starbucks coffee, and A gift card to starbucks. ( do they know their mom or what?) Alec made me breakfast , and I enjoyed that outside since it is such a pretty day! My Pink tote came in to the store , so that was nice to have before Today, and it looks so pretty in my room!
Here are a couple of pictures from baseball yesterday. Both of my boys running the bases....

Friday, May 12, 2006

Featured Layout of the Week From Maegan Birr

Ok I am going to start featuring my favorite Layouts weekly here on my BLOG, The first one is From My Good Friend Maegan Birr. This is of her DD ZOE, who is the subject of many of Maegan's Layouts. Maegan is A Digital Scrapper, and has been for well over a year. She has had 4 ( I think 4) of her Layouts published, Most recent A Simple Scrapbooks Special issue, in stores now, and The march/april issue of Simple Scrapbooks, Page 116.

What made me decide to do this was that A) Most of my readers are Scrappers, so I thought I would give you all something to look at, And B) I see so many fabulous Layouts from my wonderful online friends, that I thought it was time to share!

Picture of Sam

Just wanted to post this picture of SAM, My sister says she doesnt know what he looks like cause she never see's pictures of him. Whatever Kelli , LOL.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My 1987 Picture

ok, On The Monkey board we were all asked to post a prom picture, or someone like it, on our blogs. Well I Have here my Wedding Picture to Jeff, The date: April 14th 1987, I was 17 years old. I remember someone said we didnt look very happy in this picture, but the truth was we were bored with what the pastor was saying! LOL Any, thanks ladies for making me look at this picture again, it was interesting to say the least!


A huge thank you goes out to Robin from the Monkey board for Making my banner! She is a doll!
Just so everyone knows, The Red Sox Player is Jason Varitek, he is the Catcher, I took this picture of him last MAY at SAFECO field when A good friend of mine got me and my boys on the field when the RED SOX were having batting practice. I had to back up a bit to get this picture, I Was that close to him! He is such a cutie !

My Sleep Study

I got home from the sleep study at 6am, yes, 6am! She came into my room at 5:27 and told me she was done with me and It was time to go home! I was ready to go home at 3 in the morning when I couldnt get comfortable! Ok lets start from the begining short version.
Arrived at center, was allowed to watched TV, ( perfect cause LOST Was on) my room was like a bare hotel room with a comfy bed ( it was a Sleep number) After LOST she came in and started hooking me up, she put two sensors on my legs, and around 20 on my face and head, YES 20. And the ones in my hair , she had to put this goopy stuff in it too, so this AM My Hair was gross. then since I wasnt ready to sleep, she gave me the box of sensors to hold and left me alone, At this point I was so tempted to take a picture, ( Being the Life Artist that I am) But I couldnt even look in the mirror without laughing my ass off, so I thought the picture could later be used for blackmail reasons, so I passed. I took my sleeping pill and thought I might as well get this torture over with, and told her I was ready to sleep , She then came in and put a sensor on my finger ,and if all the other wires were not enough, Stuck one last one in my nose to keep track of my air flow or something. ( it kind of rested in your nose, not UP the nose). She left the room, I had to do a few little test things with her over the intercom,then she said to sleep. So I slept till 1 am, only to wake up and not be able to sleep for the next 2 hours, ( she said I slept a little then, but not much) and then fell asleep again at 3 and she woke me at 5:27. That was it, I see my DR in two weeks to find out what they learned, and I will NEVER do it again.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sleep Study Tonight

I am so not looking forward to this, Yes, I am a baby, I dont want to be hooked up to all those things and try to sleep while somone is watching you, Its just weird, and honestly I dont think I will get to much sleep! They claim that people do indeed sleep there, but I dont buy it.

So I sort of talked to Scott, I did see him briefly yesterday and told him that I wanted to talk to him about my job, basically the condensed version was that I told him I was giving notice, and was going to work only at the Nook, and that I hoped he could adjust the money to make us both happy. He said we would talk more today about it, and that was about it. But whats done is done, WM has my notice, June 6th is my last day, ( the extra shifts dont pick up till the 15th at the nook) and there is nothing to do about it. Thank you all for your advice, I love hearing what other people think, well, as long as you agree with me! LOL.

So I must post this little bit of news, The wonderful RED SOX Killed the damn Yankees last night, 14-3 I think, and what makes it so great is that they went up against Randy Johnson ( one of the best pitchers ) and it was in NY. so those make the win extra good for me.

Ok, Sam and I are going out today, Going to the Nook, then I will take him to lunch, ( a picnic lunch at the park with McDonalds,) and then I think to get his hair cut, Jakes game isnt till 6:30, then I have to be at the Sleep Study at 8:30.
Have a good day everyone!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Back on Line!

Ok, NO internet for over 24 hours and this house was going nuts! Well, Myself, Alec, and Jake, were going nuts. I couldnt figure it out at all, not the normal stuff, my normal tricks, nothing worked. I finally called Comcast this AM, and told them about the problems I found, they fixed it in about a minute.
Ahh how nice to be re-connected with the world. And it wasnt like anyone missed me too much, afterall If someone really needed to reach me they could call, But its different not having the connection, that we have all come to take for granted.
So I am pretty sure I am going to quit Walmart, and just work at The Scrapbook nook. After talking to a friend yesterday I know that is the right thing to do for me and my happiness. I have yet to mention this to Scott, and I will when I see him, But I wont see him till SAT maybe? I am off WED, but I will have to leave Jake's Game a bit early for my ' Sleep Study', which starts at 8:30 ( they wanted me at 7:30, I told them that was a bit to early) I am not looking forward to it at all, but that is another story, Back to telling Scott, Its not something I can do when he is at work when he calls me for his 2 minute call at 11:30. And its not something I can do from my work either. Anyway, I will talk to him, I am just not to sure when.

Ok, Something interesting happened at the Nook last night, One of our very good customers from there, was arrested last night At the nook, for stealing from them! A customer told us on Friday that they saw her put something in her purse, we all talked about it and then mentioned it to the owners that night. They waited till Sat night to watch the tapes, and EVERYTIME she came in (at least 2x a week) she stole something from the store! After they talked to the police they were told the tapes were all they needed and they could arrest her next time she came in, well that was MONDAY and we all knew it( she comes in to scrap every monday night) . Sure enough she was there, stole some stuff while scrapping, and after about 1 hour they called the police. She ended up confessing to the police that she has been doing it for YEARS, every time she came in, and that she does it from other places too. Its just insane, This is a gal that we all know ( I scrapped with her on Mondays before I worked there) someone that we all hug when she would come in.. and she stole from there all the time. you just never know people, do you?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Is this to much to want?

Ok, I have a question for all you bloggers, And non bloggers, If your Spouse, ( or significant other) Had a BLOG , would you read it? Here is my answer, if the person I was in love with had a BLOG, I would be reading it every day. I would want to know what they were thinking, how they felt, what they said about ME, all that stuff. But does my Husband read my blog?? Hell no, he doesnt even know the address of it! So what does this say? what it tells me is that he is not even the SLIGHTEST bit interested in my life, what I feel, what I think, what I say about life, and HIM. HE just doesnt care. Is that really it? does he just not care, or is that just him? I DONT KNOW, and you would think, the fact that I am his wife, that I WOULD know.
If I lived in fantasy land, I would have a husband who was madley in love with me, who picked me lilacs from strangers yards because he knew that was my favorite flower and it only blooms but for a short month every year, who called me just to say " I LOVE YOU", and " I am thinking of you" Who came by my work, cause he hadnt seen me in days and couldnt go another day without seeing my smile, who knew and CARED that I cant listen to you eat, but thats ok , cause you love me anyway, and who read my blog, cause he cared to know what I said!
IS that too much to want?

I am odd.. that I know.

Ok, So I am the first to admit that I am odd, there are some very odd things that drive me crazy, the biggest one is : I cant listen to people eat, I hate the way they sound, even if they are quiet about it, I hate the how you can hear their fork hit the plate, ( or in the case I am about to talk about, Spoon hitting their bowl) the only way to fix it for me is to have background noise going on , and sometimes this doesnt even work. Like last night, Scott was eating ice cream ,and it was on my nerves from the moment he sat down in his chair with his damn bowl. I TRIED to be ok with it, I even turned up the TV to see if that would work, nope, not a bit, well he was swirling his damn spoon around and around , ( asked him WHAT he was doing, I got the look,and I didnt say anything more) Till I couldnt take it anymore, I Cant stand it so much that I feel it thruout my body, its that bad, my stomache was getting all wierd feeling and I just yelled " Jesus will you stop it!" and he got up and made some comments and left, Never to see him again for the remainder of the evening. So glad I left my friend Bday /scrap party to go home to spend time there......

National Scrapbook Day

Saturday was National Scrapbook Day, now for those of you that dont scrapbook, your probably shaking your head right now wondering why they even have such a thing, I dont know why, But they do! ITs always the first SAT in MAY. Anything Scrapbook related , store, website, Cable program, all have sales to celebrate this day. So needless to say, our store was VERY busy! IT was long, but very fun. Also my friend had a birthday party/scrapbook party, from 10am-midnight . I went over there for a little bit after work, but I Was so tired I didnt stay long.
Needless to say, I missed Jake's and Sam's games. Jake's team won 17-3, he Had two singles, a walk, and struck out, And he was Catcher the whole game, first time all year, I am so bummed I missed that photo opp! Also Sam had three great hits too, I cant wait to see him play, ( next SAT I will) the stories Scott tells me are so funny. And Sam loves telling me about it, so I am sure he is having so much fun playing, PLUS, I need more pictures!
I work tonight till 11, I am not looking forward to that at all, its rainy and makes you want to just stay in your pj's all day...

OHH I did Preorder my Mothers day Present last night at work! ITs a PINK scrapbook tote from Making Memories! I cant wait to get it, it is Pictured above.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Alec's ER Visit tonight

Ok, so got a call from Alec that he had hurt his head pretty bad while playing basketball after school, One of the coaches he was playing with ( big guy) came down on Alec with His Elbow,cutting his head and giving him a terrible headache, which then lead to dizziness, lightheaded, and sick to his stomach... I told him to let me talk to scott and told Scott to take him to urgent care right away, sounded like a concussion . HE said ok.. well urgent care was closed ( something to do with remodeling) so off they went to the ER, ( and for those who followed the fact that Scott stayed home last Sunday while I drove MYSELF to the ER, well all I can say is the Gods work in mysterious ways). They were there for a few hours, had a CT scan of his precious brain, and was told that YES, he had a concussion. My poor baby... He also has a headache to say the least. But he is going to be ok, and can still play sports ( a fact he is happy about) , just no contact sports for the next week. All this while I was at work at the Scrapbook nook.....
Ok, so can we be done with ER visits for a while?

I have been TAGGED

By Fellow Blogger Cindy, so here are my answers:

Complete these sentences...
1. I am the happiest when I get to watch one of my boys play ball: and when I relive the 2004 world series, lol.
2. 3 of my most fave things to do are: Watch baseball, hang out with the boys ( love those talks with Alec) , and Scrapbook
3. I feel sad and alone when I am not taking my pills, Lol
4. When I do this: I take my pills, or cut people out of my life for a short time.
5. I wish I could fix this. Cause certain people are getting sick of being cut out of my life when I feel the need arise.
6. My fave summer past time is Do I really need to say it.. BASEBALL
7. One of my most fave things to wear is : My PJS
8. If I could give an obscene amt of money to one worthy cause, that cause would be : to High school kids that want to go to college but dont have the $ to do so.
9. My fave all time movie I have seen is :Field of Dreams
10. I admire Creativity in other people.
I tag Maegan, One of the most creative people I know!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Birds, and Lost

So yesterday there was a noise outside banging on the window, I thought maybe it was one of the dogs, But Sam went to investigate without my knowledge, all of a sudden I hear him screaming and crying, running upstairs and jumps on the couch he is yelling something about a bird and the house, that is all I can understand. So after a quick look to see if there is a bird in the house I go over to him and calm him down enough for him to tell me that a bird was hitting the window trying to get in the house! I heard this noise serveral times so what a stupid bird it was. I told him nothing would happen, blah blah blah, all those things mommies say to make a kid feel better, and we went about out day, end of story, or so I thought. Late last night Alec and I were watching tv, and he tells me about a dumb bird that was banging into the front window early in the morning! he said it looked like it was trying to fight itself in the window. So what the heck, we had this retarded bird hanging out at our house all day knocking itself into the windows, what kind of bird would do that?
On another note, LOST last night was a shocker! I of course saw the last 5 minutes BEFORE I watched the whole show, Alec and I were talking in the hall, brett was watching lost ( Alec and I Were watching it after Brett since we got home late) And all of a sudden Michael Shoots Ana Lucia and Libby!! then himself! what they heck?? I keep hoping Libby doesnt die, ( I hope she has something behind the blanket) I could care less about Michael, although we know he lives, he must have been brainwashed or something, it was just crazy! Note to self: dont watch last 5 minutes of ANY SHOW if you intend to watch the whole show at a later time.

A Monkey Card

Here is a card I made for a gal from our Monkey Message board, who just had a baby. There are about 50 of us who came from the Creating Keepsakes Message Board, and formed our own on MSN. This is our first "monkey baby", so a few of us who made cards made monkey ones. IT turned out pretty cute I think.
Will post more later, off to a Doctors Apt.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

ER visit.

I havent posted in a few days due to a night in the ER on Sunday. I had been having sharp pains in my right side starting SAT afternoon while at work, IT was hurting enough to where I was thinking about not going to Red Robin for Jake's party and having Scott do it. But I went knowing it was the right thing to do. It continued to hurt all day Sunday and I called in to work, knowing that there was no way I could go considering every step I took made it hurt. The only time it didnt hurt too bad was when I was laying still. I started reading about the pain online around 8 pm, and everything I read sounded like it was my appendix. Around 11 I put a call into my DR, and spoke to the nurse. She said to go to the ER, It was the LAST thing I Wanted to do I was really trying to wait till the AM. So I woke up scott and told him what they said, he said ok ,and rolled back over! He then wondered why I was still standing there, Did I need him to drive me he asked?? Did I NEED him to, NO, did I not want to go alone, YEAH... I told him I didnt need anything from him, and left. I Was pissed. I called Carrie on the way knowing she was still up and told her where I was going, ( I thought someone who was AWAKE should know) we laughed about what a jerk Scott was and I felt better. ok so here is the what happened in the ER:
midnight: Check in
12:05 Look for a seat by myself, ( Maegan, I looked for 'normal people' to sit near)
12:08 Got myself another seat after someone who was there for throwing up all day sat near me.
12:20 Took yet ANOTHER seat when smelly man sat near me.
12:30 Got Vitals taken
1:00 Was taken back to a room
1:10 DR came in, listened to me, pushed on my tummy, made me hurt , said he thought it was my appendix, and told me of the test he was going to order
1:30 nurse came in, started and IV took blood, gave me something for the pain in the IV and left.
2:00 Xray guy came in and took me to get a CT scan , injected some dye in my iv, ( makes ya feel like your peeing all over yourself, it was weird to say the least) . went in and out of the CT scan machine a few times, then back to my lovely room. it was 2:30 at this point.
3:30 FINALLY they came in with my results, NOTHING showed up, you read that right, NOTHING... white blood cell count was normal, nothing on the Scan. They then did a lovely pelvic exam ( wasnt prepared for that at all) and still nothing, so home I went with pills for the pain and no answers.
4:25 arrived home to Scott awake on the couch acting like he was all worried, well if you had been worried buddy you would have gone with me.

ITs now Tuesday and I still feel the same, so what the heck is the problem? I see my DR Thursday morning , so maybe she will have some answers for me?

So that was my exciting Sunday night visit to the ER.