living in my shoes

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Baby Its Cold outside!!

19 degrees.. 19!! that is cold for us in the Seattle area, we are use to mild winters... we are on our second day of school closing, This all started Monday night, it came down very fast, I was at work and we closed the store an hour early. It was still a slow drive home, normally a 7 min drive turned into a 30 min drive, Lets just say I am glad I have 4 wheel drive! I made it home safe and sound, and stayed warm inside. Come Tuesday, I had to cancel my class at the store, I post poned it till Thursday, Lets hope it goes off then. The store closed at 3 Tuesday, I dont know what is going on today. I can say I drove out this AM to go to my weight watchers meeting and it WAS CLOSED!! Do you know how mad I was??? VERY MAD.... Home safe and sound.
Here are some pics from yesterday:

Monday, November 27, 2006

I have been a bad blogger lately

I have let this get away, I havent posted in over a week. I would like to say that it has been because I have been so very busy, that I havent had a feww moment, and while that is partly true, it is also cause I have had nothing to say, Nothing exciting has happened to me at all. Yes, Sam has said some cute note worthly things, But I didnt bother to note them. Bad mom I am. All the boys had report cards, and only one is worthly of noting here , and that was JAKE, 4 A's 2 B's ( and one of those B's was in BAND) the other B was really a B+ and that is in Algebra, 9 th grade math, and he is in 8th grade, so YEAH FOR HIM!!! the other two.... not much to say except that Brett is now grounded till I see fit to take him off, and I told Alec to drop a class, He insists that this class that he has the bad grade in is the only one that he has learned anything in.. so he doesnt want to drop it. UGHHHH I wanted to shake him!
Speaking of wanting to Shake someone, SCOTT would be that other someone. We kind of got into it this weekend, And he made a comment that bugged me to no end, he said, And pardon the pun, " I am all about keeping up with the Jones's" that is what motivates me to do everything in my life!!! What the hell???? I was hurt that he thought that about me, but More hurt that he doesnt know me at all if he truely thinks that about me, Seriously, ?? He really thinks that is me? I couldnt even begin to understand where that came from, when I asked for a example, I didnt really get one, I got a random one... to do with the boys playing baseball?? not too sure what that meant, but OK.
Ok, I have to go get some things done, but I will leave you with a Sam Quote:
SAM:" I dont like to eat Black Turkey" ...
ME: " Sam, there isnt a Black Turkey"
SAM: " I dont want to eat a Black Turkey"
ME: " Sam, the turkey is white, not black, where did you see a Black Turkey"?
SAM: " On TV, I dont want to eat a BLACK TURKEY"!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Check this out!

The Store owner got this email from a customer last night:

I just wanted to tell you that Tami in your store is SPECTACULAR!!!...She has always helped me find things in the store and she always GREETS everyone with a wonderful smile!!! She always helps them find what they need.

She makes me want to come back in and bring my friends in as well!

I just thought it is good to tell an owner when they have made such a great choice in an employee.


How cool is that? Susan from the store forward it to me last night. you never hear the good stuff, so I think that is very cool.

Ok, I have a class tonight, My hand hurts from punching 375 circles.. yes, 375 circles... TWICE!! it was very annoying, and I am not looking forward to doing this again when I have the same class in TWO weeks. I did a repeat of the class cause the first one filled up so fast!
Here is the class:

Ok I am off !

Monday, November 06, 2006

Are you sitting down?

two post from me, in the same friggin day! I know, Shock of your life, but I had to share these funnies with you, coming to you from my Friend Sharon, the one who sat near the man with gas in Jury Duty last week.....

This one is my favorite!

Enjoy the funnies!

I had a post and now its gone

It even had a picture of Lisa B in it too... from a class that I took from her on Friday at the convention, And it was here, and then it just vanished. The blogging gods are not with me today.
I will recap: Went to the Bellevue convention on Friday , Took two classes, one from Lisa B.
The other had the potential of being very good, BUT the gal that was scheduled to teach it, didnt, and no-one said why , I was upset cause I picked the class based on the teacher, I will be writting the company today to ask for an explination on this matter. I had a great night Friday night, A good night sleep, A much needed good night sleep, after a highly emotional week. I dont usually sleep well, but Friday night , I did.
Before I forget, here is the Picture that the first post had: I dont know who she is talking to, and I dont know the lady in the back, this was the best picture that I got, so here ya go. I did get a chance to talk to her, I called her over to mine and Zora's table, and told her how we met on her MB years ago, and have been friends since.. I didnt tell her that we no longer visit her MB, cause she didnt need to know that detail.

I spent all of Sunday putting class kits together for my class Tuesday night, When I Wasnt doing the class kits, I was making my mothers Birthday present. I have been working on this since the summer, I cant show you now, but I will show you after NOV 22, once I know she has it in her hands, It was ALOT of work.. but all worth it cause she is my mommy.

I also told you in the post that has since vanished about Sam, and how he tells his big brothers what to do, It was cute at the time, but now I dont feel like re-capping that, so you missed out on a Sam story, Have a good day!!